February 26, 2012

Last Sunday in February!

Good service at Life Pointe again today! God is blessing our efforts to learn the Old Testament with the Footers and Foundations series. Good numer too!...30 I believe.... God is good I find myself looking forward to next Sunday before this Sunday is over.....I love the Lord and the fact He's called me to lead and be the shepherd at Life Pointe! I'm truly blessed. Today marks our second communion; that too is such a blessing. God continues to bless and show Himself faithful.

February 20, 2012


Wow! If every snowday is like this past Sunday, I say (as the lyrics of that wintery song says), Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! God was just amazing this past Sunday! I mean He oftens blesses and touches hearts but this past Sunday, He just blessed my heart beyond measure! I love it when God encourages us and confirms that what we are doing is exactly what He wants us to do! I must admit with a predicted snowfall on the way, that I thought it might be a small crowd. And I try to be positive and optimistic but will admit it is a little tough, especially with snow on the way. But I had a great message planned and was ready to start our new series of Footers and Foundations and so I thought, "Lord, I'm ready to go,.....so I sure hope the snow doesn't run folks off or keep them away!" So isn't it just like the Lord to honor that request and give us not only a good crowd but a great crowd of 34 people, one of the biggest we've ever had, and blessed us with the biggest offering we've ever had in the history of the church! Isn't God just amazing!! So we continue to see God's Hand upon us and the ministry of Life Pointe Church! Plus today I had the opportunity to sit down with one of the friends of Joey Patterson and we got to minister to this person for several hours and share what Christ can do in his life. So God gives us doors and we are going through them as He directs....may we continue to point lives to Christ!

February 16, 2012

God Is Good!

God continues to bless us at Life Pointe Church and show Himself often at our services and in the lives of those who attend. This past Sunday we finished our series of The Basics of Believing with our final sermon entitled CELEBRATION. This followed sermons entitled: Salvation; Baptism; Communion; and Membership. I hope I made things a little clearer and soon will ask folks to join Life Pointe. Some may be ready while others need more time, but at any rate, we are growing and seeing people respond to prompting of God's voice. It's exciting to see God work and just being a small part in that makes be feel blessed, happy, and honored. May we continue to see God work in our church and in our midst each week. This we start the series: F&F which stands for Footers and Foundations, a unique way to memorize the Old Testament with hand motions. It looks like an animated Sunday's service is in store for us! May we continue to see God bless!

February 8, 2012

2 Year Anniversary!

It's hard to believe that this coming Sunday will mark our 2 year anniversary at Life Pointe Church. So much has taken place this past year. Last June, marked the baptism of 6 people; July marked our taking 3 young ones to camp; August marked our very first VBS with Uncle Paul doing a Gospel Magic Show, plus having the Block Party Trailer from Liberty, plus the kids doing some tye-dyed t-shirts for crafts; September marked Back to Church Sunday with Joey being the 7th person to be baptized; then we had our very first Christmas program this past December; and then Kate accepting Christ on January 01, 2012, New Year's Day! And now here we are in February....who knows what God will do next, but I'm just happy, humbled, and blessed He lets us play a part in His great work!

February 3, 2012

Basketball Game!

I can't believe it; after most of the time being late recording our events and happenings on the blogspot, I am actually ahead of time for once! Tomorrow is the day we get to go to Liberty University and watch the Flames play a basketball game at the Vines Center. After going to 2 football games as a group, we are now going to our first basketball game. The first trip we had 3 folks; the second trip we took 7 and tomorrow we have 8 people signed up, so who knows, before too long, we may need a bus instead of a van to go to the games! I am just glad we are having some outreach events to enjoy as a church and giving us some time to be together out the walls of Life Pointe. It's neat to do things together, so I'm looking forward to tomorrow and to other future events for Life Pointe. And Ginny and the ladies are still having their Crave Bible study on Saturdays too, so we are staying busy but doing God's work....it's exciting!

February 2, 2012

First Communion!

January 29, 2012 the date of our very first communion service and it went very well! God blessed us as we remembered what Christ did for us on Calvary. I always have enjoyed taking communion and this past Sunday was certainly no exception, as a matter of fact it was special to many of us because it was the first communion that some had ever taken. God is good; He has brought us so far since we first started out. God continues to lead,.....and in faith we continue to follow!