February 22, 2010

Second Service Goes Well!

We enjoyed our second service for Life Pointe Church this past Sunday with about 24 people coming out to enjoy it with us! God gave us a good day and I had several good comments from folks afterwards with one comment especially blessing my heart. One person basically related to me that she had needed someone to just take her hand and give her hope and that was what she had received so I was very touched and encouraged to know that God is indeed working in the hearts of those who are coming to Life Point Church. I just know great things are in store for us as we continue to seek God and to serve others. It seemed I was a little more at ease this past Sunday too, and I was glad of that. I know God is in control but it's still a little nervous to stand up and sing and speak and just to know that I, along with my family and friends, are respresenting Jesus as we carefully and prayerfully form and establish Life Pointe Church in these very early days of the church. It is sort of like watching a little baby learning to walk or do things for the very first time. It's both exciting and a little scary but I just want to always maintain the very fine line of knowing God is in control and will provide and take care of us but to never, ever take that love and provision for granted. So I will continue to pray and look for great things from God, and I'll also be glad to see Andy and Ashley who were and still are out of the country this week, so their part in the ministry was missed and their valuable help will be welcomed back for our third service this coming Sunday, February 28, 2010! God is good!


Wow, I can't believe it has already been over a week since our church debut on Valentine's Day, February 14th, 2010! It was so exciting and I admit I was little nervous as we saw something taking place that has been "in the making" for over a year and a half. In June of 2008, which now seems so long ago, we stepped out in faith and started showing movies for the community at Huff Lane School. Then after doing that for June, July, and August, we had our first ever Block Party with the help of Liberty University students and some local businesses donating some great door prizes. Then we began our weekly Bible Study in September of 2008 and have continued that for the whole year of 2009 and now even into 2010. And then, with the leading of the Lord and some great confirmations and answers to prayer, we had our VERY FIRST SUNDAY CHURCH SERVICE at 3:00 pm in the afternoon with around 34 people present! While a lot of them were my family from Giles and friends from Craig Valley Baptist Church, along with a few neighbors, it was still encouraging to see so many people present at our very first church service! Steve and I led the worship music and Andy did a good job at the computer providing all our powerpoint slides while Ginny and Ashley did a lot of the greeting, announcing, and providing refreshments for everyone! We even had cookies baked by our CVBC friends to give to folks at the end of the service, along with a valentine from Life Pointe Church! A ton of work went into making this a reality that day but also just the simple fact that God answered so many prayers and openned so many doors is also a blessing and confirmation that we are doing a great work and God is being honored as we serve Him by serving our neighbors and community. Praise the Lord for the great things He has done!

February 11, 2010

God Is Working!

I feel sort of like the servant girl who went to the door to see who it was and it turned out to be the person they were praying for. The story in Acts concerns some believers who were praying for Peter's escape from prison, yet when the servant girl went to answer the door, she was amazed at who was standing there......Peter! In essence, she was amazed at God working and answering prayers their prayers! I have been praying lately, especially lately that God would work and bring some folks in for our first Sunday service and there was one person in particular that I wanted to invite but all I knew about her is that she worked at Chick-fil-A. So I went in the other day ask about her and the manager didn't know who I was talking about. But tonight my family and I decided to go to Chick-fil-A to eat and I was thinking, "Lord, it would be nice to see that lady so I could invite her to church." So I walked in and who but should be standing right behind the counter, getting ready to leave, yet working at a time that she later told me that she normally wouldn't have been working....? The lady I needed to invite to Church this Sunday! Isn't God amazing and wonderful!! And before we left she told me she had told someone else and they were coming with her. And then my wife Ginny said that another person behind the counter was asking when our services would be on Sunday!! So we ended up inviting several to church and encouraging several others before we left! It seemed we knew about everybody in Chick-fil-A tonight! God is so good, and I am starting to get more excited and encouraged about our first Sunday service, this Sunday!

February 10, 2010

Exciting Day!

Getting up and finding out that we didn't have school because of the weather was nice but I was somewhat disappointed in that I didn't get to go to the CPN Luncheon that was planned for Tuesday, February 9th. I thought I would have to rush through lunch but then with "no school" I thought I could take my time, get to talk to some friends, and enjoy having lunch with my son Andy. And besides all that, I could pick up the GPS materials I had ordered. But then the luncheon was cancelled and that sort of made me out of whack especially since I had already taken a shower and everything. But that's was ok, we still got some things done. Ginny and I visited a local copy place and got some items rans off to use for our first Service and then later I got to practice some songs with Steve at the school, so that was good. I am excited to use the GPS stuff and think that will help our church get more well known in the community, so that's exciting! So it was busy, but it was a good day. God is in control, even of the winter weather, so I just leave it in His hands, and afterall, there's no better place to leave everything including ourselves!

February 1, 2010


While "little things" may not be exciting to some folks, they are to me! Just like today when the doorhangers and bookmark/invite cards I ordered from Outreach Products a week ago, finally arrived! Again, this may be no big thing to some folks, but to me, it's an opportunity to fill in the back and plan to hang these cards on the doors of all those people we would like to attend our very first church service on February 14th. This is just one more step towards our goal of getting our church established. It's hard to believe we have been doing our Bible Study for over a year now and showing monthly movies even longer. I feel it's time we stepped out in faith and finally see who God has in store for our future church. So it may just be "doorhangers" in the mail but it's exciting to see just one more thing that God is going to use to make Life Pointe a reality and blessing to those involved! Praise the Lord!