May 16, 2008

Gateway Person

'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, just to take Him at His Word.......I'm again filled with joy and song as I think today of how much God blesses us and loves us! Max Lucado said in one of his books that "your picture is the one held on with a magnet on God's refridgerator." The mere thought of when I speak to God that I have His undivided attention and complete focus is just incredible and overwhelming. "Oh, how He loves you and me" as another song says! And I again am amazed at just how Great and awesome God worked yesterday as I met with a person who can help us acquire a building to use for our church. She was just so encouraging! I could have said so much more in yesterday's post but I thought it was probably long enough as it was but I just have to mention the fact that I think yesterday God gave us our "gateway" person. A gateway person is someone who can be instrumental in helping the church acquire things they need and sort of "pave" the road as we establish the church. I ask after I posted yesterday to make sure if I could mention her name and she said "sure", so I want to thank God for allowing me to meet Gloria Williams yesterday. She was so encouraging with her faith and her enthusiasm for Jesus! The fact that I walked in not knowing exactly how my meeting might go and instead walked out feeling I had been to a praise and worship service is simply amazing. Gloria's love and strong stand for the Lord is great and her concern for her family and others is also quite evident, so I thank the Lord for Him not just allowing me to work towards getting a building to worship Him in, but to let me meet a fellow servant of His who greatly blessed my heart and encouraged me! May God bless us all by letting our paths cross with those who love Jesus and desire to praise Him and lift Him up as much as we do. It was wonderful to have a kindred spirit especially with someone who was a total stranger an hour ago! Only a great, wonderful, and loving God can do such things, so the praise is His!

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