June 9, 2008

Good Weekend!

This past weekend was a good one starting even with Friday night when Ginny and I got to go out and celebrate our 27th Wedding Anniversary! There is a resturant called the Liberty Station in Bedford that we like to go to for special occasions and this definitely qualified for that! With presents for me and roses for Ginny, the evening was very nice and I am indeed thankful for a pretty wife that is so supportive and faithful and thoughful, especially when I have often, over the years, led our family over some rough terrain, but to places that I knew God was leading. It seems I am continuing to do that as we seek to plant Life Pointe Church here in Roanoke. But God has been faithful to us over the years and I am confident that He will continue to show Himeself mighty in all that we are attempting to do for His Glory and pleasure. And Andy and Ashley continue to be a blessing to me also. Andy worked very hard this weekend to produce a web page for the Church with lots of good info and details and it looks great, so be on the lookout for that soon as it will help us get the word out about the church in a better and probably much faster way! It is really exciting to see things taking place and I know that so much work goes in to something like a web page or making banners, etc. even though it may not appear like that at times. I certainly know better! So a big thanks to Andy for working hard on the web page and just for he and Ashley for all the work and encouragement they do and give to me as we pioneer the start of the church. God has given me much to be thankful for and I do praise Him for it!

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