December 20, 2009

Snow, Snow, Snow!

Wow, I cannot believe it has snowed almost a foot in the last couple of days! Starting late Friday afternoon it started snowing and continued to snow until it snowed most of the evening and unto the night until it amassed a total of 10 inches or so. Of course Friday was the night we had planned our big outreach event. We usually have a movie on the third Friday of the month and call it 3M Night which stands normally for Monthly Movie Madness but in the case of this month we were going to call it 3M Night for MEAL, MESSAGE, and a MOVIE. So we were really looking for an exciting evening and hopefully getting the word out so we could perhaps gain some more people for the new year. But then again God couldn't have been more clearer when he dumped about a foot of snow on us so when we had to cancel our event, that was ok, I know God must have a better time for us to have a big 3M Night! Maybe January is a better month, so if that's the month God wants, then that suits me just fine! God also gave me and Andy time to finish out school work due for Liberty University by bringing the snow so He is so good especially when it couldn't be anything or anybody but Him, and when it snows a foot, that has to be God!

November 9, 2009

New Beginnings!

Since we had several folks show an interest in Life Pointe Church this past weekend, I am wondering just want new series to speak on for Tuesday night Bible Study. I have spoken on different things such as using the Andy Griffith Show for our example of Godly items such as honesty, truthfulness, sacrifice, etc. to practice by watching a bit of an episode and then studying about it in the Bible. And then we went through the Book of John. And lately we have been discussing the Temple and how it was built along with a special emphasis on the Ark of God that was in the Holy of Holies area of the temple. Last week and the week before we talked about David and how he danced before the Ark right after another man died before the Ark. But now I am thinking of BACK TO THE BASICS so new converts, new attendees, and even us old times can be refreshed or learn for the first time, the very simple foundations we need to practice daily. So this Tuesday should be interesting as we see who comes in from the Fall Fest we had this past Saturday! Look out, we may just start growing! It's exciting but a little scary too! I just need to keep trusting and looking to God as He grows us!

Fall Festival!

Just because it has been months since I have written anything on the blog page certanly doesn't mean God has not been working! I just get busy doing things and soon forget to post and then when I try, it sometimes seems that I have computer difficulties, so anyway, while it's working, I wanted to post some things. I know one day I will look back and even though many people may never see this blogpage, I will use it as sort of a spiritual diary to recall so many of the things God has done for us and especially Life Pointe Churc. This past Saturday we had our second Block Party and this time we called it our Fall Fest! We again had the Liberty U. students come down and help us with the blow up houses for the kids to play on plus provide games, etc. for the kids to play. We (that is Ginny) made delicious funnel cakes from all the equipment we borrowed from the Pizza Den and we were able to give away a lot of prizes that we had donated from the local businesses. God was good to us in that over $300 worth of donations came in and it was all absolutely free of charge with no strings attached. God gave us the items so I praise Him for that! Most importantly we had several decisions for Jesus!! Only time will tell if those decisions are real but I certainly hope and pray so! One couple even expressed to me that they wanted to start coming to Life Pointe and join the church! I have never had anyone say that yet, so that was great! And then yesterday I got to go and preach at Craig Valley Baptist Church in Newcastle for Bill Grindstaff, whose church also came this past Saturday to help us. It is good to have a "partner" in our labor to plant Life Pointe. Craig Valley Baptist has some really good member who have encouraged us greatly! So God is good and we continue to plant and settle the church that God has called us to plant!

May 26, 2009

Innovate Conference

Wow, it was so good to be able to go to the Innovate Conference last week, I was just so blessed to be there! The music, the speakers, the messages, and I also got to take a class at the same time, an intensive, which helps me to know more about being a church planter, so the week was just great! I was so humbled the first night, God just grabbed my heart and humbled me to remind me that it truly is all about Him, and that I should maybe just sit my ideas aside for awhile and just go back to the basics, that is winning souls to Him. He refocused my thinking, encouraged my thinking, and helped me to be extremely thankful for the church planting team, (my family of Ginny, Andy, and Ashley) that He has blessed me with. By the end of the week I was ready to charge ahead and it was all because of God! I am so glad when He is so clear! And He even provided me a room to stay up there in Lynchburg all week to keep me from having to run back and forth from Roanoke, so God indeed was so good! I look forward to what He is going to do, for He already is doing so much even before I get the chance to put my feet into motion! Thank you Jesus for such a good week!

May 16, 2009

Learning through Tough Times

I must admit it's been a little tough this week. With a PTA meeting scheduled this past Tuesday which is the normal night for our Bible study, this change cause some people not to be able to come so I found just "me" sitting in the library when Bible Study was to start. And tonight's movie night had just 8 people there. This is when we have probably averaged 30 for the past few months, with Fireproof bringing in over 50 people. So I don't know what God is teaching me, but if it's faithfulness I want to pass the test. God is good, all the time; all the time, God is good! I enjoyed the movie and I guess those folks who usually come just missed a blessing, but God has called us, so we push on. Who knows, just like the sky is opening up and pouring rain right now, God may just open up doors and pour His blessings in ways we never imagined, and maybe that might be soon. So again, we push on and press forward to see what God is going to do.

May 12, 2009

Possibilities Abound With God!

Yesterday I met with someone who is considering helping Life Pointe Church by being our sponsor. Wow, how exciting is that? Not only to have some financial support but just to have someone who believes in what we are doing and wants to help us accomplish the task that Jesus has given us to do. I must admit, months ago, I thought a lot of people might come alongside us to help, but so far, no one has. But for such a time as this, God has all things in control and will give us the help we need just at the right time, just when He deems it necessary. God is good and I think the "partnership" we will develop with this church and it's pastor will be a good one. So Praise the Lord, we are pushing along each day and seeing how God is at work in our mission.

May 2, 2009

God Continues to Bless and Open Doors!

Please forgive the following post for being a couple of weeks late, but I have been trying to put it on the Blog page for several weeks and just couldn't get it to post right, until tonight, so while it is a little "outdated" since it talks about Easter Weekend, it still nevertheless deserves a "posting" since God has been doing some great things in both our lives and in the life of Life Pointe Church. So, even though it's a bit late, here finally is the post I have been wanting to put on our Blogpage.

Wow, it's been so long since I have posted but it's certainly not because God isn't working! As a matter of fact God seems to be growing Life Pointe in just the way He wants! Ginny continues to be a blessing to a family from Nepal that she spends a lot of time with, helping with shopping, helping to locate jobs for some of them, and just in general showing the love of God to them. Just last weekend, we took them to see the Passion Play at Shenandoah Baptist Church, the special Easter play they present each year. God give me the idea to just "show" them what Christ has done for them, and I thought what better way to show them, than to literally show them with the Passion Play. They seemed to enjoy it and even had some questions about it later, so that was very good. To be able to witness to a family from a Hindu background just shows how God is giving us an opportunity to witness for His glory. And to make it so they could "see" how Christ died on a cross to pay for their sins and mine was just so good since it was so vivid. God is just so good in His timing! What better time of the year to show people whose religion doesn't really believe in a resurrection than Easter time? And just yesterday I was able to share the love of God with a family that seemed to be going through some tough times but also seeking to put God more into their lives, and I think just by showing the kindness that I did, God received glory and got even more of their attention so I was very blessed to be a part of God's plan to draw a family closer to Himself. God just confirmed every thing He told me to do by giving the person I shared with a receptive heart and an open heart to see how God is working. The person even expressed an interest in maybe coming to Life Pointe Church in the future, so again God is growing His church in just the way He wants to grow it and I couldn't be happier! So no, we may not have a 100 on Easter morning, but we are slowly reaching out to those families that God brings into our lives and I'm thankful that God uses us to touch one life at a time! Jesus often did the same thing when He was here on earth, so we are copying the Master's way of reaching out and blessing those we come in contact with, so we must be doing exactly what we are suppose to be doing! Praise the Lord, it's going to be a great Easter weekend with not only some good family and food time but good reminders that God is alive and well and working through us all the time! Praise His Name!

April 10, 2009

God Is Growing Life Pointe Church!

Wow, it's been so long since I have posted but it's certainly not because God isn't working! As a matter of fact God seems to be growing Life Pointe in just the way He wants! Ginny continues to be a blessing to a family from Nepal that she spends a lot of time with, helping with shopping, helping to locate jobs for some of them, and just in general showing the love of God to them. Just last weekend, we took them to see the Passion Play at Shenadoah Baptist Church. God give me the idea to just "show" them what Christ has done for them, and I thought what better way to show them, that to literally show them with the Passion Play. They seemed to enjoy it and even had some questions about it later, so that was very good. To be able to witness to a family from a Hindu background just shows how God is giving us an opportunity to witness for His glory. And to make it so they could "see" how Christ died on a cross to pay for their sins and mine was just so good since it was so vivid. God is just so good in His timing! What better time of the year to show people whose religion doesn't really believe in a resurrection that Easter time? And just yesterday I was able to share the love of God with a family that seemed to be going through some tough times but also seeking to put God more into their lives, and I think just by showing the kindness that I did, God received glory and got even more of their attention so I was very blessed to be a part of God's plan to draw a family closer to Himself. God just confirmed every thing He told me to do by giving the person I shared with a receptive heart and an open heart to see how God is working. The person even expressed an interest in maybe coming to Life Pointe Church in the future, so again God is growing His church in just the way He wants to grow it and I couldn't be happier! So no, we may not have a 100 on Easter morning, but we are slowly reaching out to those famlies that God brings into our lives and I'm thankful that God uses us to touch one life at a time! Jesus often did the same thing when He was here on earth, so we are copying the Master's way of reaching out and blessing those we come in contact with, so we must be doing exactly what we are suppose to bge doing! Praise the Lord, it's going to be a great Easter weekend with not only some good family and food time but good reminders that God is alive and well and working through us all the time!

March 22, 2009

God Is Growing Us And Life Pointe Church!

Wow, it's been so long since I have posted but it's certainly not because God isn't working! As a matter of fact God seems to be growing Life Pointe in just the way He wants! Ginny continues to be a blessing to a family from Nepal that she spends a lot of time with, helping with shopping, helping to locate jobs for some of them, and just in general showing the love of God to them. Just last weekend, we took them to see the Passion Play at Shenadoah Baptist Church. God give me the idea to just "show" them what Christ has done for them, and I thought what better way to show them, that to literally show them with the Passion Play. They seemed to enjoy it and even had some questions about it later, so that was very good. To be able to witness to a family from a Hindu background just shows how God is giving us an opportunity to witness for His glory. And to make it so they could "see" how Christ died on a cross to pay for their sins and mine was just so good since it was so vivid. God is just so good in His timing! What better time of the year to show people whose religion doesn't really believe in a resurrection that Easter time? And just yesterday I was able to share the love of God with a family that seemed to be going through some tough times but also seeking to put God more into their lives, and I think just by showing the kindness that I did, God received glory and got even more of their attention so I was very blessed to be a part of God's plan to draw a family closer to Himself. God just confirmed every thing He told me to do by giving the person I shared with a receptive heart and an open heart to see how God is working. The person even expressed an interest in maybe coming to Life Pointe Church in the future, so again God is growing His church in just the way He wants to grow it and I couldn't be happier! So no, we may not have a 100 on Easter morning, but we are slowly reaching out to those famlies that God brings into our lives and I'm thankful that God uses us to touch one life at a time! Jesus often did the same thing when He was here on earth, so we are copying the Master's way of reaching out and blessing those we come in contact with, so we must be doing exactly what we are suppose to bge doing! Praise the Lord, it's going to be a great Easter weekend with not only some good family and food time but good reminders that God is alive and well and working through us all the time!

Happy Easter to Everyone!

Just a thought that years ago, from 9:00 am this morning until 3:00 pm this afternoon, Jesus hung on a cross to pay a price we could have never paid. He paid for all our sins and died for us so we could have life and live for Him. May we look forward to this Easter morning with as much appreciation and excitement that His friends and family did for the very first Easter years ago.

God Is Growing Us And Life Pointe Church!

Wow, it's been so long since I have posted but it's certainly not because God isn't working! As a matter of fact God seems to be growing Life Pointe in just the way He wants! Ginny continues to be a blessing to a family from Nepal that she spends a lot of time with, helping with shopping, helping to locate jobs for some of them, and just in general showing the love of God to them. Just last weekend, we took them to see the Passion Play at Shenadoah Baptist Church. God give me the idea to just "show" them what Christ has done for them, and I thought what better way to show them, that to literally show them with the Passion Play. They seemed to enjoy it and even had some questions about it later, so that was very good. To be able to witness to a family from a Hindu background just shows how God is giving us an opportunity to witness for His glory. And to make it so they could "see" how Christ died on a cross to pay for their sins and mine was just so good since it was so vivid. God is just so good in His timing! What better time of the year to show people whose religion doesn't really believe in a resurrection that Easter time? And just yesterday I was able to share the love of God with a family that seemed to be going through some tough times but also seeking to put God more into their lives, and I think just by showing the kindness that I did, God received glory and got even more of their attention so I was very blessed to be a part of God's plan to draw a family closer to Himself. God just confirmed every thing He told me to do by giving the person I shared with a receptive heart and an open heart to see how God is working. The person even expressed an interest in maybe coming to Life Pointe Church in the future, so again God is growing His church in just the way He wants to grow it and I couldn't be happier! So no, we may not have a 100 on Easter morning, but we are slowly reaching out to those famlies that God brings into our lives and I'm thankful that God uses us to touch one life at a time! Jesus often did the same thing when He was here on earth, so we are copying the Master's way of reaching out and blessing those we come in contact with, so we must be doing exactly what we are suppose to bge doing! Praise the Lord, it's going to be a great Easter weekend with not only some good family and food time but good reminders that God is alive and well and working through us all the time!

God Is Growing Us And Life Pointe Church!

Wow, it's been so long since I have posted but it's certainly not because God isn't working! As a matter of fact God seems to be growing Life Pointe in just the way He wants! Ginny continues to be a blessing to a family from Nepal that she spends a lot of time with, helping with shopping, helping to locate jobs for some of them, and just in general showing the love of God to them. Just last weekend, we took them to see the Passion Play at Shenadoah Baptist Church. God give me the idea to just "show" them what Christ has done for them, and I thought what better way to show them, that to literally show them with the Passion Play. They seemed to enjoy it and even had some questions about it later, so that was very good. To be able to witness to a family from a Hindu background just shows how God is giving us an opportunity to witness for His glory. And to make it so they could "see" how Christ died on a cross to pay for their sins and mine was just so good since it was so vivid. God is just so good in His timing! What better time of the year to show people whose religion doesn't really believe in a resurrection that Easter time? And just yesterday I was able to share the love of God with a family that seemed to be going through some tough times but also seeking to put God more into their lives, and I think just by showing the kindness that I did, God received glory and got even more of their attention so I was very blessed to be a part of God's plan to draw a family closer to Himself. God just confirmed every thing He told me to do by giving the person I shared with a receptive heart and an open heart to see how God is working. The person even expressed an interest in maybe coming to Life Pointe Church in the future, so again God is growing His church in just the way He wants to grow it and I couldn't be happier! So no, we may not have a 100 on Easter morning, but we are slowly reaching out to those famlies that God brings into our lives and I'm thankful that God uses us to touch one life at a time! Jesus often did the same thing when He was here on earth, so we are copying the Master's way of reaching out and blessing those we come in contact with, so we must be doing exactly what we are suppose to bge doing! Praise the Lord, it's going to be a great Easter weekend with not only some good family and food time but good reminders that God is alive and well and working through us all the time!

God Is Growing Us And Life Pointe Church!

Wow, it's been so long since I have posted but it's certainly not because God isn't working! As a matter of fact God seems to be growing Life Pointe in just the way He wants! Ginny continues to be a blessing to a family from Nepal that she spends a lot of time with, helping with shopping, helping to locate jobs for some of them, and just in general showing the love of God to them. Just last weekend, we took them to see the Passion Play at Shenadoah Baptist Church. God give me the idea to just "show" them what Christ has done for them, and I thought what better way to show them, that to literally show them with the Passion Play. They seemed to enjoy it and even had some questions about it later, so that was very good. To be able to witness to a family from a Hindu background just shows how God is giving us an opportunity to witness for His glory. And to make it so they could "see" how Christ died on a cross to pay for their sins and mine was just so good since it was so vivid. God is just so good in His timing! What better time of the year to show people whose religion doesn't really believe in a resurrection that Easter time? And just yesterday I was able to share the love of God with a family that seemed to be going through some tough times but also seeking to put God more into their lives, and I think just by showing the kindness that I did, God received glory and got even more of their attention so I was very blessed to be a part of God's plan to draw a family closer to Himself. God just confirmed every thing He told me to do by giving the person I shared with a receptive heart and an open heart to see how God is working. The person even expressed an interest in maybe coming to Life Pointe Church in the future, so again God is growing His church in just the way He wants to grow it and I couldn't be happier! So no, we may not have a 100 on Easter morning, but we are slowly reaching out to those famlies that God brings into our lives and I'm thankful that God uses us to touch one life at a time! Jesus often did the same thing when He was here on earth, so we are copying the Master's way of reaching out and blessing those we come in contact with, so we must be doing exactly what we are suppose to bge doing! Praise the Lord, it's going to be a great Easter weekend with not only some good family and food time but good reminders that God is alive and well and working through us all the time!

God Is Growing Life Pointe Church!

Wow, it's been so long since I have posted but it's certainly not because God isn't working! As a matter of fact God seems to be growing Life Pointe in just the way He wants! Ginny continues to be a blessing to a family from Nepal that she spends a lot of time with, helping with shopping, helping to locate jobs for some of them, and just in general showing the love of God to them. Just last weekend, we took them to see the Passion Play at Shenadoah Baptist Church. God give me the idea to just "show" them what Christ has done for them, and I thought what better way to show them, that to literally show them with the Passion Play. They seemed to enjoy it and even had some questions about it later, so that was very good. To be able to witness to a family from a Hindu background just shows how God is giving us an opportunity to witness for His glory. And to make it so they could "see" how Christ died on a cross to pay for their sins and mine was just so good since it was so vivid. God is just so good in His timing! What better time of the year to show people whose religion doesn't really believe in a resurrection that Easter time? And just yesterday I was able to share the love of God with a family that seemed to be going through some tough times but also seeking to put God more into their lives, and I think just by showing the kindness that I did, God received glory and got even more of their attention so I was very blessed to be a part of God's plan to draw a family closer to Himself. God just confirmed every thing He told me to do by giving the person I shared with a receptive heart and an open heart to see how God is working. The person even expressed an interest in maybe coming to Life Pointe Church in the future, so again God is growing His church in just the way He wants to grow it and I couldn't be happier! So no, we may not have a 100 on Easter morning, but we are slowly reaching out to those famlies that God brings into our lives and I'm thankful that God uses us to touch one life at a time! Jesus often did the same thing when He was here on earth, so we are copying the Master's way of reaching out and blessing those we come in contact with, so we must be doing exactly what we are suppose to bge doing! Praise the Lord, it's going to be a great Easter weekend with not only some good family and food time but good reminders that God is alive and well and working through us all the time!

God Is Growing Life Pointe Church!

Wow, it's been so long since I have posted but it's certainly not because God isn't working! As a matter of fact God seems to be growing Life Pointe in just the way He wants! Ginny continues to be a blessing to a family from Nepal that she spends a lot of time with, helping with shopping, helping to locate jobs for some of them, and just in general showing the love of God to them. Just last weekend, we took them to see the Passion Play at Shenadoah Baptist Church. God give me the idea to just "show" them what Christ has done for them, and I thought what better way to show them, that to literally show them with the Passion Play. They seemed to enjoy it and even had some questions about it later, so that was very good. To be able to witness to a family from a Hindu background just shows how God is giving us an opportunity to witness for His glory. And to make it so they could "see" how Christ died on a cross to pay for their sins and mine was just so good since it was so vivid. God is just so good in His timing! What better time of the year to show people whose religion doesn't really believe in a resurrection that Easter time? And just yesterday I was able to share the love of God with a family that seemed to be going through some tough times but also seeking to put God more into their lives, and I think just by showing the kindness that I did, God received glory and got even more of their attention so I was very blessed to be a part of God's plan to draw a family closer to Himself. God just confirmed every thing He told me to do by giving the person I shared with a receptive heart and an open heart to see how God is working. The person even expressed an interest in maybe coming to Life Pointe Church in the future, so again God is growing His church in just the way He wants to grow it and I couldn't be happier! So no, we may not have a 100 on Easter morning, but we are slowly reaching out to those famlies that God brings into our lives and I'm thankful that God uses us to touch one life at a time! Jesus often did the same thing when He was here on earth, so we are copying the Master's way of reaching out and blessing those we come in contact with, so we must be doing exactly what we are suppose to bge doing! Praise the Lord, it's going to be a great Easter weekend with not only some good family and food time but good reminders that God is alive and well and working through us all the time!

God Is Growing Life Pointe Church!

Wow, it's been so long since I have posted but it's certainly not because God isn't working! As a matter of fact God seems to be growing Life Pointe in just the way He wants! Ginny continues to be a blessing to a family from Nepal that she spends a lot of time with, helping with shopping, helping to locate jobs for some of them, and just in general showing the love of God to them. Just last weekend, we took them to see the Passion Play at Shenadoah Baptist Church. God give me the idea to just "show" them what Christ has done for them, and I thought what better way to show them, that to literally show them with the Passion Play. They seemed to enjoy it and even had some questions about it later, so that was very good. To be able to witness to a family from a Hindu background just shows how God is giving us an opportunity to witness for His glory. And to make it so they could "see" how Christ died on a cross to pay for their sins and mine was just so good since it was so vivid. God is just so good in His timing! What better time of the year to show people whose religion doesn't really believe in a resurrection that Easter time? And just yesterday I was able to share the love of God with a family that seemed to be going through some tough times but also seeking to put God more into their lives, and I think just by showing the kindness that I did, God received glory and got even more of their attention so I was very blessed to be a part of God's plan to draw a family closer to Himself. God just confirmed every thing He told me to do by giving the person I shared with a receptive heart and an open heart to see how God is working. The person even expressed an interest in maybe coming to Life Pointe Church in the future, so again God is growing His church in just the way He wants to grow it and I couldn't be happier! So no, we may not have a 100 on Easter morning, but we are slowly reaching out to those famlies that God brings into our lives and I'm thankful that God uses us to touch one life at a time! Jesus often did the same thing when He was here on earth, so we are copying the Master's way of reaching out and blessing those we come in contact with, so we must be doing exactly what we are suppose to bge doing! Praise the Lord, it's going to be a great Easter weekend with not only some good family and food time but good reminders that God is alive and well and working through us all the time!

God Continues to Bless and Open Doors!

Wow, it's been so long since I have posted but it's certainly not because God isn't working! As a matter of fact God seems to be growing Life Pointe in just the way He wants! Ginny continues to be a blessing to a family from Nepal that she spends a lot of time with, helping with shopping, helping to locate jobs for some of them, and just in general showing the love of God to them. Just last weekend, we took them to see the Passion Play at Shenadoah Baptist Church. God give me the idea to just "show" them what Christ has done for them, and I thought what better way to show them, that to literally show them with the Passion Play. They seemed to enjoy it and even had some questions about it later, so that was very good. To be able to witness to a family from a Hindu background just shows how God is giving us an opportunity to witness for His glory. And to make it so they could "see" how Christ died on a cross to pay for their sins and mine was just so good since it was so vivid. God is just so good in His timing! What better time of the year to show people whose religion doesn't really believe in a resurrection that Easter time? And just yesterday I was able to share the love of God with a family that seemed to be going through some tough times but also seeking to put God more into their lives, and I think just by showing the kindness that I did, God received glory and got even more of their attention so I was very blessed to be a part of God's plan to draw a family closer to Himself. God just confirmed every thing He told me to do by giving the person I shared with a receptive heart and an open heart to see how God is working. The person even expressed an interest in maybe coming to Life Pointe Church in the future, so again God is growing His church in just the way He wants to grow it and I couldn't be happier! So no, we may not have a 100 on Easter morning, but we are slowly reaching out to those famlies that God brings into our lives and I'm thankful that God uses us to touch one life at a time! Jesus often did the same thing when He was here on earth, so we are copying the Master's way of reaching out and blessing those we come in contact with, so we must be doing exactly what we are suppose to bge doing! Praise the Lord, it's going to be a great Easter weekend with not only some good family and food time but good reminders that God is alive and well and working through us all the time!

Monthly Movie Madness!

Well, here it is about 12 midnight on Saturday, March 21st, and we are finally home from our Monthly Movie Madness night. It was a little disappointing in that after having 52 people last month, we only had about 17 there tonight, but again the Lord reminds me that it is not the number but the folks that are there that count. And we did have several that come to our Tuesday night Bible Study that were there tonight so that was good also! And the movie was good, (BECAUSE OF WINN-DIXIE), because it was a good reminder to me that if a little girl with a dog can remind people to live joyously, then I, who knows Jesus as Savior, sure can too! We continue to stay faithful and look forward to seeing God work in the lives of those who He brings to us!

March 17, 2009

Staying Faithful While Waiting On God!

I remember David Wheeler telling us in my Evagelism class at Liberty to "find out where God is working and then jump in and help Him" or something to that effect, and he's right. That's where the joy is, to find where God is working and then roll up our sleeves and jump right in. I think we are where God is working. Tonight we had about 8 people in our Bible Study and Ginny had 9 in where she was, so that's 17 people at our Tuesday night Bible Study, so PRAISE THE LORD! We are where God is working! And then when we took Binita home I had the opportunity to meet a few folks, invite them to the movie this Saturday, and then tell them about us planting a church. Turns out......that's what they are doing! They too, are planting a church...a home church, but it was neat to find some believers to chat with! God is just so good; who knows He may be lining up things that we don't even know about! I have prayed for a core group, so maybe God is putting one together for us! God knows what we need, so I will wait and be faithful and just know that the best is yet to come!

March 7, 2009

God is so Good!

I know it's been awhile since I have posted something but that sure doesn't mean God hasn't been working in our midst. As a matter of fact, it's amazing how much He does work in our lives and the opportunities He gives us to bear the news of Him and tell others of His greatness. I am still working on sharing my faith better with others and look for opportunites and I can't believe how much He gives Ginny the opportunity to use her gifts also! For example, I just came back from eating some snacks at the apartment of a family whose little girl goes to Huff Lane School. Ginny take such an interest and such good care of some of the children at Huff Lane and since Binita and her family are from Nepal and do not speak English very well, she is definitely one to share the love of Christ with. And although Binita does speak English very well for someone who has just moved to America 4 months ago, the whole family is still very much in need of someone to look after them and help them, so Ginny has been doing that very well. Giving them gifts, taking them places, and helping them is a joy and a gift that Ginny enjoys using so much! And as a Christian and the pastor of a new church, what better way to serve Jesus than to share our love and faith with a family that has grown up mostly in a Hindu culture all their lives. And we thought you had to go out of the country to be a missionary to foreign families! God seems to be bringing them to us instead! So God is working and as David Wheeler, a professor I had for my LU Evangelism class reminder us: "Find a place where God is working and jump in and start helping Him work." I think we have done right here in Roanoke and with Life Pointe Church!

February 22, 2009

Monthly Movie Madness!

Well, we have just returned from our February 21, Monthly Movie Madness and God blessed us with a nice size crowd of almost 50 people with about 25 or so adults and 25 or so children! It was a very nice time and Ginny gets the MVP award because while Andy showed the movie and Ashlely served popcorn, and I wondered around making sure everything was ok, Ginny had around 25 children, (all by herself!) in the library, showing a seperate movie for the kids! We showed the movie FIREPROOF and it seemed to be well received by everyone and I had several folks tell me as they left that they liked it very much and thought it was good! And Ginny said the kids she had liked "The Retrievers" a movie about some dogs that didn't want to leave the home they lived in, so all in all everyone seemed to have a good time and God blessed us with some folks whom we have never had before and I got to speak to a few of my former students from RVCS that I taught years ago. That was encouraging to me too, since they seemed to be going to church and seeking God's will for their lives, so it's nice to have former students visiting me to see how I am doing and to be living for the Lord. So, all in all, God blessed us richly today!

February 12, 2009

Valentine's Day!

In a few days as we celebrate Valetine's Day, I am reminded that lately we have been able to show the love of God in several ways to people, some that we know, and others who are still somewhat strangers to us, but either way, the love of God will prayerfully make a difference in their lives. Ginny took clothes and a t.v. we had in the basement over to the apartment of a little girl who goes to her school. Her family moved here from Nepal and was so grateful and thankful for the things we brought to them. They didn't really have too much, so anything was appreciated and the little girl's eyes lit up just to receive the slightly used clothes that another family wanted to donate. So whether it's helping a neighbor or giving clothes to a little student, we are seeing opportunites to show God's love, or to celebrate Valentine's Day almost everyday.

February 6, 2009

Keep Pressing On!

It's now February 6th and I continue to pray and look for God's leading on perhaps doing a trial run on a Sunday service sometime in the next month or so. And I am really looking forward to showing the movie: FIREPROOF on February 21, just two weeks away. I continue to speak to folks about helping with a service and talking to some potential attendees on Facebook, so it's just no telling what God has in store, but we are staying busy and faithful and praying that God does things in just the timing and fashion that HE wants to do them, for afterall, I know that's the best and only way to be a blessing to others!

February 1, 2009

Monthly Movie Madness!

I just ordered some new postcards to use for Life Pointe Church so we could invite folks to M3 Night or Monthly Movie Madness as we call it! The new cards are sort of red and bright and hopefully will grab people's attention. If we mail them out to folks, then even the people at the Post Office will probably notice them being such a bright color. And I hope to hand them out to the surrounding neighbors of Huff-Lane School. With the warmer weather approaching I really do hope more people will start coming to the movies and to our weekly Bible Study on Tuesday nights. So, onward we go, planting the church that God has called us to plant! Praise the Lord!

January 28, 2009

Sharing My Faith

I can't believe it's been over two weeks since my last entry but never-the-less I have been doing some exciting things! I still haven't gotten over (and hope I never do) the class I took at Liberty University a few weeks ago with David Wheeler that covered Evangelism and the several ways in which to share your faith. I really appreciated the class and the fact God spoke to me so clearly about stepping out and telling more folks about His saving Grace. I have been more alert to spot opportunities to share what God has done for me and especially using a Servanthood type of outreach, that is look for opportunities to serve others so you can share with others. I spent several hours yesterday doing just that with a neighbor that I have been praying for, for the last couple of months. It's amazing, I started prayer walking and asking God to open doors and give me opportunities to share and I go from not even knowing this neighbor's name to sitting down with him for over two hours yesterday and talking! God is good and He is answering my prayers and giving me a chance to share my faith without fear! It's awesome and I thank God so much!

January 16, 2009

Staying Faithful!

It is a cold day on this Friday, January 16th, 2009 and I have just missed my lunch so it's even a little tough on the "inside" as well today but hopefully I am staying faithful. Tomorrow is another on of our church's Monthly Movie Madness nights or as we call them M3 nights so I hope things go well and we have a good turn out for it. That's another one of the ways we can stay faithful. Even though we don't have the folks who come out to movie night return for our Bible study on Tuesday night, I still think it helps show the community that we are there for them and want to give them something that is good for their entire family to enjoy. Hopefully one of these days, the people will come and try out our Bible study and then even our Sunday moring services when we finally start having those. Meanwhile...........we stay faithful for Him.

January 11, 2009


I know the title of this post "WOW" is a very short one but it truly does describe my last week's class at Liberty. I could either use this word or the phrase, Better Late Than Never, that's because I was challenged so much and so well last week to share my faith without fear with those folks that God puts in my path that need Him so much. I was both convicted and blessed to know that God touched my heart and wants to use me to bring the message of salvation to so many more than I have in the past. I admit I have not done this as well as I should or as well as I have wanted to. So I took this class because as a pastor I know I need to set the example of winning folks to Jesus and to have a church whose main focus is to bring people to Him. And also just to be a better witness for Him whether I was starting a church or not. We heard from two folks, Bill Faye and a woman named Nell who together have probably won over 25, 000 people to the Lord over the years. Nell even gave the testimony of winning someone to the Lord while she was sitting on the camode at the hospital when she was sick. Amazing! And on the day we spoke to her on the phone, she remarked "I just won 6 people to the Lord yesterday!" And the books I read just serve to inspire me to quit being scared and start bringing the Lord up in the small conversations that I have with people, so they hear and know what to do to know the joys of being saved. It was a great week and one that may very well change my life for a long, long time and hopefully forever. Praise the Lord, I needed that and prayfully will show my gratitude by introducing people to Jesus in a stronger and better way than I ever have before.

January 4, 2009

A New Start in Learning!

Another new item that I will be doing this new year is taking some classes at Liberty University. I think taking some classes in evangelism and church planting can only help me to do the job that God has called me to do, to the fullest and to the best! Even right now, not even counting planting the church, I have been both challenged and convicited to share my faith more with those around me. I have been reading some books and writing down some things and I am both excited and touched to know God can use what I have to share so much in others' lives. One book entitled "Sharing Christ With No Fear" really is about as clear as it can be when the author just simply reminds us that we are being obedient when we share and we are succeeding if we just go, not only if we see someone accept Christ, but just if we go, that's all God wants us to do, and He'll take care of the rest. Good reminder so that we don't feel disappointed if someone says "not right now, but maybe later." When we leave it to God, it does take the pressure off. So tomorrow, I prayerfully will start my class and just getting into it and getting it paid for was an answer to prayer, so God has already shown Himself mighty and the class hasn't even started, so I am excited and look forward to what God has in store and in what He's going to teach me.

Happy New Year!

Wow, what a flury the new year brings sometimes! We did an outreach event on New Year's Eve providing food, the movie "It's A Wonderful Life" and a chance to bring in the New Year with several friends who have been coming to Bible Study on Tuesday nights. It was a small number but still we are staying faithful in providing folks a place to come and feel welcomed. I hope in this new year we will grow our number and soon be able to launch our church on a Sunday morning! It will be exciting to see when the Lord wants us to do this and hopefully we will have some totally new people that I have not even met yet! I know I am not suppose to "be anxious about anything, but in all prayer and supplications to make my requests known to God" so that's what I will do but sometimes it is tough. God knows though, so I'll keep trusting!