January 11, 2009


I know the title of this post "WOW" is a very short one but it truly does describe my last week's class at Liberty. I could either use this word or the phrase, Better Late Than Never, that's because I was challenged so much and so well last week to share my faith without fear with those folks that God puts in my path that need Him so much. I was both convicted and blessed to know that God touched my heart and wants to use me to bring the message of salvation to so many more than I have in the past. I admit I have not done this as well as I should or as well as I have wanted to. So I took this class because as a pastor I know I need to set the example of winning folks to Jesus and to have a church whose main focus is to bring people to Him. And also just to be a better witness for Him whether I was starting a church or not. We heard from two folks, Bill Faye and a woman named Nell who together have probably won over 25, 000 people to the Lord over the years. Nell even gave the testimony of winning someone to the Lord while she was sitting on the camode at the hospital when she was sick. Amazing! And on the day we spoke to her on the phone, she remarked "I just won 6 people to the Lord yesterday!" And the books I read just serve to inspire me to quit being scared and start bringing the Lord up in the small conversations that I have with people, so they hear and know what to do to know the joys of being saved. It was a great week and one that may very well change my life for a long, long time and hopefully forever. Praise the Lord, I needed that and prayfully will show my gratitude by introducing people to Jesus in a stronger and better way than I ever have before.

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