March 7, 2011

Great Day!

Well it's 12:51 and Andy is not finished with his big paper for his Liberty U. class and we are about to go to bed. Tomorrow is a day of travel for Andy and Ashley as they head to Hong Kong and perhaps a visit with Cary Clifton. They are going to travel other places as well and I am glad they can vacation for awhile, they both deserve it! It started off raining today, reallly hard, and the road to the church I go preach at in Giles actually had water running across it like a creek in some places. But God was good and we had a good time. Then at Life Pointe today, we had a good Morals From Mayberry lesson at our 1:23 life group and then for our main service at 3:00 we talked about Joseph. And Benjamin surprised me by telling me he wanted to get baptized so that was great! Melanie and her family continue to encourage and amaze me at what God is doing in their lives! Praise the Lord! And then some good barbeque and we were headed home to hunt reference materials for Andy's paper and then a lot of typing and thinking and getting it done. But is and so at the end of this Lord's Day God has again blessed us and helped us to experience Him. God is so good. Good night all for my eyes are started to get blurry. May this week be a restful one and a blessed one for all of us! Amen.

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