October 27, 2014

I just found this post from what I had typed a few weeks ago. I knew I hadn't lost my mind because I just knew I had typed a post about our church dedication service with Jonathan Falwell stopping by to see us. But then again, I thought, maybe I did just fail to write it; turns out I did write it but just failed to post it.  I just have to get better at these posts! That was what I wrote in the first line of my last post, that is maybe getting help with them; looks like I could use the help! But at any rate, here goes, and hopefully I will do better in the futre.  Here is my post from several weeks ago.

I guess I should just delegate these blog entries to someone else, I am just so bad about taking the time to write them; but then again, I mostly use this as my own "diary" or "journal" so I guess I'll keep posting although I know I could do much better. I checked the last entry and it was on July 30th and just so much has happened since then. For one huge thing, we had our Life Pointe Church Dedication and Celebration on September 21st, just in time to be an early birthday present for me and an early blessing to all who attended. I asked a friend from Lynchburg to stop by and pray with us and for us and to give us a short challenge and it just so happened (God continues to confirm and work things out for us) that this friend was speaking close by and gladly accepted my invitation to stop by and visit with the Life Pointe Church family. So in addition to Joan and Gary Francisco stopping by (the previous owners of the building), and Debby Williams, the nice banker lady who helped us secure our loan after we had been turned down by another group, and Ken and Carol Looney from Craig Valley Baptist Church rushing back from the beach and their vacation to be with us, be we also had the pastor of Thomas Road Baptist Church stop by and so Jonathan Falwell was my friend who I had asked to come by and pray with us and so it was a great day of celebration indeed! We had slides, pictures, testimonies, songs, and a sort of narrative to go along and help folks see just how far God has brought us. And then Lindsey had a very nice video at the end that was the perfect finishing touch so again, it was a great time! Cake and punch fixed by Ginny put the final accent on our great day of blessing! We continue to see God bless and even last Sunday was one of the best Sundays we've had for awhile, so God continues to bless us richly. We also continue to see our building change to a home instead of just a building. When we first moved in, our building changed from an accounting office to a church, or as the inspectors downtown say, from a "B to a A" meaning from a business to an assembly. But then, even though it looked so much better with our new floors and fresh paint and just all the nice things we added, we begin to put up curtains; and wall printings; and pictures; and then the building now even seems to have gained it's own personality of warmth and an inviting atmosphere with a "tree" being planted in the children's area, and a beautiful picture of Noah's Ark in the nursery. Things look so nice...I am impressed, blessed, and grateful. I just know if anyone would visit us they would feel welcome and feel as though they had come into our "home" which is exactly what want guests to feel. I pray and look forward to more things to come and for people to come to Christ, be baptized, and to grow in Him.

God Continues to work at Life Pointe!

My what a busy weekend we just had at Life Pointe Church! On Saturday several of us traveled to Lynchburg, or more specifically, Liberty University, to watch the Flames take on the Bulldogs of Gardner-Webb. LU was triumphant in a 38 to 0 win, so it was a great day for the Flames and some of us who enjoy lunch at Sheetz and then a beautiful day at Williams Stadium.  Then yesterday at church we continued with our Before Amen Series, emphasizing the important and simplicity of prayer, watching a short video with Max Lucado and enjoy a message and communion. Then at 1:30 we had a special baptism service with James Sledd; Virginia Almond; Kylee Overstreet; and Lucas Sorrel. It was a great time watching these guys share outwardly what has taken place in their hearts, that is a decision to accept and follow Jesus Christ. And then last night a movie classic with Don Knotts, The Ghost and Mr. Chicken, so it was a busy but very blessed weekend.  And now by the way, I do realize I have not posted since July, so I don't know where the time goes! Today is October 27th and it is almost November so that means I have waited for over 3 months to post! I just thought for sure I had posted since then. We had our church dedication with Jonathan Falwell dropping by to offer a prayer and short message of encouragement with us and that was super! And the reminder of just how far God has brought by us showing the pictures of our past, the construction of the building, and just what God has done for us was just amazing and very touching. I am indeed grateful for what God has done for  us and continues to do for us. Right now we are doing a series on "Before Amen" based on the book and video series by Max Lucado, so again, we stay busy but I never want to fail to say THANK YOU to God for all of what He has done. We use to pray for so much and God has answered many of those prayers and provided for our needs, so I want to always be grateful, thankful. and appreciative of what He has done. Yesterday with the baptisms, I was reminded again of how God has changed lives and hearts, and helped people make a decision to follow Jesus more closely. I am indeed blessed and very thankful God called me to plant and pastor His church, Life Pointe.