December 30, 2011

New Year Approaches!

I wanted to write a few sentences, (which certainly won't do it justice), about our Christmas program; our very first Christmas program! The program was on December 18th and was complete with Ginny and children doing the "Christmas Play" which had characters and animals all around the manger and displayed the birth of Jesus, which really is the heart of Christmas. The kids did a great job with Jeremiah even playing the part of the baby Jesus! I may be wrong, but I bet we were the only church in Roanoke with a live Jesus in the manger. Along with Jeremiah, Emily, Benjamin, Rachel, (who was an excellent sheep!), Cameron, and a few others all helped make the program a hit. A new addition, Andrew, who is the brother of Danielle, did the part of the narrarator. Andrew is Danielle's brother, who is one of my Driver's Ed. students from Salem High School. Along with Danielle, 3 more of my students were there on this special service, so that was good. In total we had 42 people so that was very encouraging and the second largest crowd we ever had! Praise the Lord for His goodness and faithfulness. For other parts of the service, I had asked Beth, Joey, and Melanie to give their testimonies; all three were very special and unique in their own right. Beth told of how God had touched her heart a few weeks earlier and helped her to put away her anger towards Him after she had lost her very young son in a car crash around 10 years ago. Her words were touching and really impacted those who listened. Joey's words spoke of how recently he had to depend on the wisdom from God's people to help him avoid being involved in something that would have depleted his savings. He showed how we need to seek Godly counsel for wisdom when we are not sure of what to do and to avoid going off of our "gut" and ending up making a big mistake. And lastly was my sister Melanie, who continue to amaze me with the change in her life; the change that has occured and is still occuring. She spoke of how she has "saturated" her life with reading the Bible daily, telling her children Bible stories before bedtime, and just in praying and seeking God constantly for helping her make the necessary changes in her life that will benefit the family and honor God. She has changed so much and is such a blessing to me both at the church and in the Moser family. And then my message was short but simple just reminding folks that Jesus still seeks to change everyone's life, not only at Christmas time but all the time. And just as Mary allowed the Holy Spirit to come into her life and heart and make her the new person that she became, God desires to do the same in us yet today. God just blessed us with a great day. And then we got to sit and enjoy a great dinner catered with food from County Cookin' which everyone just loved, so it was a great day indeed. And now we sit on the verge of a new year......I wonder what God has in store??

December 13, 2011

Blessings Abound!

Here I am trying to remember to write down all the great hings God has been doing at Life Pointe, especially even lately! I know I won't remember all of them but I should at least try to jot down a few. Three weeks ago, Andy spoke and it couldn't have been a better message or a stronger working by God! Not only was I really proud of Andy but was just amazed and blessed by how God moved in the hearts of several people. One person, told me she had to go home and apologize to her brother for something she had said; another said she had lost her 3 year old son about 10 years ago and had been mad at God but that now she had finally let her anger go and realized God is in control and so now she was ready to start living for the Lord again; and yet another person said she just couldn't describe it but just knew there was something different at Life Pointe. When I suggested "do you think it is God?" she said "yes, I think it is!" So God is just so good and amazing! I am glad He gives evidence of His is just so confirming to the work He has called us to do. And I had my ordination service on the 2oth of November and got my license on the 22nd just 2 days later on Tuesday. About 20 people from Life Pointe come to support me at the service so that was encouraging and afterwards we enjoyed some nice hot soup with the Craig Valley Baptist folks so that was good too. Bill Grindstaff did a good job with the message and again I am humbled by what God has called me to do and who he has called me to a minister of the Gospel at Life Poine Church! And now here comes Christmas.....

December 4, 2011

Bessings Continue!

Today is the first Sunday in December, December 4th, 2011, and I'm looking forward to a good month of celebrating the birth of our Savior Jesus! Today we started using a "Sunday School" book for our services to help introduce what it would be like to study at home what is covered in church on Sundays at 11:00am in the service. Hopefully we will continue to improve what God has already blessed us so much with. Last week, Andy spoke and God showed up in BIG fashion. Nikki said she was promted to go home and apologize to her brother; Maxine said she just felt like there was something she couldn't quite explain and when I offered, "do you think it's the power of God?" she said "yes, that's it!" And Beth shared something that was very touching said God definitely spoke to her heart as well. So not only did Andy do a great job but God blessed his words and used them in the hearts and lives of several people. God is amazing! And then we had a good dinner out for Ginny and I at the Church planter's Christmas dinner at Coach and Four; and then I finished my day classes at Salem High, so a lot went on last week and God is awesome! today was a good day as well, and I continue to be so blessed to be the pastor at Life Pointe. God is making a family that truly loves and cares for each other and in the fashion that He does for us.

October 3, 2011

Growth Update

Again, when I check in on this blog spot, I am always amazed that it has been so long since I have posted! I really do need to just write down one or two things about once a week and that way it would be easier than trying to back track and recall everything that is going on or has gone on at Life Pointe Church and in the life of the Moser family. Anyway, I will now try to jot down a couple of things. In my last entry I mentioned Joey Patterson and how he is a blessing to me. Joey continue to bless my heart as someone who has been radically saved and changed by the love and power of Jesus Christ. It was my honor, joy, and blessing to be able to baptize Joey just two weeks ago, on September 18th, and to fulfill one more step in Joey's desire to live for Jesus. His mom, sister, and friends were there to support and celebrate Joey's baptism and goal to live for the Lord. Jesus truly has done a miraculous change in Joey's lfe. As he calls me often and as I talk and try to mentor him, both Joey and I are blessed to see what God is doing through us both and of course Life Pointe Church! Yesterday, on October 2nd, we had some visitors at Life Pointe which was exciting but also encouraging as they pointed out that our church banner, hanging on the fence of the school, had caught their attention, thus causing them to check out our website, which resulted in them coming to visit us yesterday! That was great! Not only to have them visit but just to know that our banner and website are being used to help people find us; I sometimes wonder but it's good to know that God is using various means to grow us. And finally, I had my ordination council meeting this past Saturday, October 1st, meeting with 5 men at Craig Valley Baptist Church. Answering some thought provoking questions is always a challenge but God blessed and I am on to the next step of becoming an ordained minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! It's exciting. With Ashley coming in from Maryland for the weekend; Andy attending a KJV conference in Lynchburg at LU on Friday and Saturday, plus the ordination, we had plenty to do, but God was good. Andy continues to take classes at LU; Ashley is working on her Master's degree at the University of Maryland; Ginny continues to bless those who she comes in contact with at Round Hill, and I am trying to stay faithful and keep up with the church, school, driver's ed., and being a good husband, dad, and servant to Jesus. And, Ginny and I joined Green Ridge, an exercise facility which we hope will help keep us in shape. So with lifting, running, and doing water aerobics, life stays full!

July 30, 2011

Exciting Things for Life Pointe!

I have just typed for probably an hour and hit a key that I didn't even realize and of course erased all that I had typed. I love it when I do that. I don't even know what I did wrong. The things I wanted to record were a lot but at least I should put down a couple of things.
1. The last post came the day before we had our first baptism, and it turned out to be a great day. We had 6 baptisms, 50 people in attendance, and God really blessed me by helping me to do something I had never done before, so I was very grateful and thankful that God was in our midst.
2. Andy has been speaking for me the last two Sunday and will again speak tomorrow. He is being groomed by the Lord for future things, at least that is what is seems like to me. He is doing well and is using the gifts both recent and long ago, to help him do a good job.
3. Joey Patterson continues to be such a blessing to me. He is so eager to follow Jesus and to do all the things he needs to, to grow in his faith. He wants to be baptized, give his testimony, and is giving financially too, which is great to me for where a man's treasure is, there is his heart also, so Joey is definitely excited and genuine in his faith.
4. I continue to preach in Giles and will do so again tommorrow, so I want to be used and yet will be glad when we can switch to 11:00 am services if that will help the Life Pointe family to grow. Well that wasn't all that I had typed but before I erase something I am going to post this. God is good!

June 4, 2011

What A Day That Will Be!

I know the title for this post is the first line of a song, but it also describes what will be happening at Life Pointe Church tomorrow, June 5th, 2011! Tomorrow will be our very first every baptism service and there are 6 individuals who are going to be baptized!! Praise the Lord!! I can't believe it will be 3 years since we started doing our very first events for Life Pointe Church. It was in June of 2008 that we first started showing movies in the community at Huff Lane School. Seems like only yesterday in some ways and forever in other ways. God has been faithful and has kept us faithful so tomorrow we rejoice in seeing lives changed and in folks taking one more step in their commitment to Christ. I want to "hit one out of the park" and make sure I do everything right to honor God and to show folks what a great church Life Pointe is. So I am little nervous but at peace with knowing God is with us and will bless us. I am also thinking of Andy, Tim, and Gene who are traveling to London and Paris this weekend and all next week. Guess we both will be making history so to speak and having the time of our lives!

May 10, 2011

Last Sunday

I forgot to add in my last post that last Sunday was Mother's Day and Andy's Birthday, so I decided that would be a good day to finally pick a Sunday and say "We are Life Pointe Church" so that was our "Charter Sunday" if that is what we want to call it, so hopefully members will be added soon! We have been meeting for over a year now, but for the first time, we will truly have members, so look out....we may just start growing a whole lot now! Baptisms, church memberships, decisions, and who knows what else...! God is good! But it will also be good to get Andy and Ashley, who have been visiting Australia and New Zea-land, these past two weeks to get back in town. I really miss Andy when he's gone. He helps me so much with all the church media stuff, so it leaves a whole when he's gone, that's for sure. But again, God is good and is at work, so now in an hour or two we will have our Tuesday night Bible Study, so hopefully we will have a good time together!

New Stuff!

Wow, I can't believe it's been so long since I last posted something! And I've tried to post a couple of times and either can't get on or have trouble with my password. Oh, well, I'm finally on now! God has been so good to us, especially lately, so I wanted to record those things before I forget. Even now it seems so long ago since we were down at Huff Lane sometimes having 8 or 10 people for our Sunday service. And then, through God's leading, we came to Round Hill and it is evident God has been blessing! Perhaps I should work in reverse and that way I may remember a lot that has happened here lately. For example, last Sunday we had 26 people at our Sunday Service; the week before we had 28, and the week before we had 28 people for Easter! So God has blessed! And for Easter, we took pictures of everyone as they came in; plus put up our new banners both inside and outside the school; and it seems that God is still helping people to make decisions for Him. I am always proud of my sister Melanie and her family. Benjamin continues to want to be baptized and Melanie is thinking about that too. Plus Brian wants to be baptized and maybe Annette too. And Sarah, who we met at Chic-fil-a one night and then started coming and hasn't missed a time since then, wants to be baptized. But more importantly, Sarah has once again gained the assurance to know that she is saved and is asking tons of questions but that' fine, I am just glad she is learning and seeking God and what He wants her to do. And Sarah's husband was able to come on Easter and Sarah's mom came this past Sunday so that is good; no that's great! And this came when Ginny and I went over to Chic-fil-a one night to visit someone else, and Sarah just happened to hear us talk and was interested in a church home and well.....the rest is history as they say. And Corene and John have been coming the past few weeks. Corene was invited to church by Brian who had talk to Corene's dad at work, and in a round about way, she was looking for a church in her neighborhood and lo and behold God led her to us too! So I am just excited that people at deciding to follow God's direction; God is bringing folks to us; and decisions are being made! Hallelujah for all the things God is doing! I just can't believe we have come this far since we first started out! And so in June or in a couple of weeks, we will celebrate our very first baptisms at Life Pointe Church! It is exciting and God truly is doing abundantly above all that we ask or think! To him be the glory! What coming next???? I don't know but God is on the horizon with things, so it is bound to be great!

March 9, 2011

One of Those Days!

Today seems like a Sgt. York kinds of a day. You know; just like in the movie when Sgt. York, played by Gary Cooper, went up on a hill out in the woods and just spend some time alone with God. He prayed, read his Bible, and just sought God's face. With the steady rain we are having today, that's what I would like to do. And I have several things on my heart that need praying for. So I've prayed and despite the fact I didn't go on top of a hill out in the country I do still have the assurance that God heard me and He knows what we need; who needs what; and His will is perfect. Thank you Jesus for all you are; for who you are; and for what you do because You love us.

March 7, 2011

Great Day!

Well it's 12:51 and Andy is not finished with his big paper for his Liberty U. class and we are about to go to bed. Tomorrow is a day of travel for Andy and Ashley as they head to Hong Kong and perhaps a visit with Cary Clifton. They are going to travel other places as well and I am glad they can vacation for awhile, they both deserve it! It started off raining today, reallly hard, and the road to the church I go preach at in Giles actually had water running across it like a creek in some places. But God was good and we had a good time. Then at Life Pointe today, we had a good Morals From Mayberry lesson at our 1:23 life group and then for our main service at 3:00 we talked about Joseph. And Benjamin surprised me by telling me he wanted to get baptized so that was great! Melanie and her family continue to encourage and amaze me at what God is doing in their lives! Praise the Lord! And then some good barbeque and we were headed home to hunt reference materials for Andy's paper and then a lot of typing and thinking and getting it done. But is and so at the end of this Lord's Day God has again blessed us and helped us to experience Him. God is so good. Good night all for my eyes are started to get blurry. May this week be a restful one and a blessed one for all of us! Amen.

February 14, 2011


Today is our One Year Anniversary for Life Pointe Church! Since we started on Valentine's Day one year ago, of course we celebrated yesterday for our Sunday afternoon service, and what a service it was. It wasn't that we included a whole lot more or a lot of things different but I asked Brian Nicely, one of my former students and ballplayers from RVCS days and my sister Melanie to share what God has been doing in their lives. God has been so good and I, along with everyone else who attended yesterday, enjoyed very much what they heard Brian and Melanie talk about. So while we sany some good music, and looked a a few pictures, and enjoyed some great fried chicken afterwards, it was the highlight of my day to hear my sister talk about coming back to God in her life. I of course liked Brian's testimony too, especially since he has been through some very rough times, but to know my sister is where she needs to be with the Lord is just a blessing everytime I think about it and so it was so good to have her tell people, (for the very first time!) what God has done and is doing in her life. God is at work at Life Pointe and it is very evident and very real, so I am thankful, joyful, and very humble to know we are worshipping with God in our midst and watching Him work in lives every week as we get together and every day when we are going through our daily lives. God is good! It is a shame Andy and Ashley had to miss yesterday but with more pictures to show, Andy is the one to do that for me anyway. Thanks be to the Lord and Praise to Him for all He has done and how He blessed me with two great services yesterday; one in Giles County and one at our very own Life Pointe Church here in Roanoke!

February 6, 2011

February 6, 2010

Well today we continued with our Life Pointe 101 series and are now about to finish it with just one more message next week. I must admit, today seemed a little "dry" for me. I guess I am eager to get back to "messages" from God's word, not that we don't need these messages nor would I say that God has not worked with the sermons of the past few weeks. He has, that's for sure. Just last week, Brian asked me if I wouldn't mind baptizing him when the weather got a little warmer. I told him it would be my pleasure and that I am looking forward to it! And today was our very first Sunday afternoon life group and we started with a showing of the first half of FACING THE GIANTS, a great movie about being inspired to keep going even in the face of "giants" being all around us. With the movie about a coach of a Christian school, who coached football and the nic-name of the team being the Eagles, I felt like I was not only watching the movie but could easily star in it. I pray next week, as we watch the second half, that God will bless us with not only a good turnout but a working of His Holy Spirit to show us all that He wants to lead us past or through the giants that are in front of us right now. So while I felt like I was just teaching some more "facts" about the founding of the church and how we need to be solid in our faith, I will be glad to start with more Bible stories soon. So I pray God uses the words I offer and the activities we plan, and may all work to bring Him glory. We continue to see God work and wait for Him to show Himself mighty!

January 23, 2011

Good Things Are Happening!

Again, I can't believe it has been so long since my last post on my blog! God has been doing so many good things and so much for us that it is really amazing! For instance when we were at Huff Lane, I really didn't want to move to Round Hill, but then we did. And I was sort of just waiting on Roanoke City to tell us to leave Huff Lane, so I wanted to wait on them......but then my friend Bill Grindstaff pointed out....why wait on them to tell you when to move? Just move! So I was reluctant but agreed he was right....I needed, as Nike would "just do it!" So we moved to Round Hill Elementary School. Since then, we have had 19 as our lowest number of those who attended, and all the rest of the Sundays, have been above 20 with today's number even being 26!! Think God wanted us to move???? Again, I know numbers don't mean everything, but I will have to admit, that it is sure encouraging to me to see 20 to 25 people each week, with their smiling faces all eager to worship and learn more about God. I am excited to see what God is doing right in our midst! I keep feeling like we've "turned the corner" and are on the verge of seeing God do some great and mighty things at Life Pointe! I sure am going to pray to that extent! God is good, indeed!