November 21, 2013

Here it is, the day before the famous day in which both a president and a great man of God passed away. The president was John F. Kennedy and the great man of God was none other than C.S. Lewis. As for the other things going on this week, I have talked with Frank Haley and Keith St. Clair, both building inspectors for the city of Roanoke, in hopes of figuring out whether I would have to totally remodel the men's bathroom in our future Life Pointe Church home. As it is, we are going to just leave the plans "as is", that I submitted last week to the Building and Planning office downtown and just see if we can work out things when the inspector finally comes to visit our building and grant us a certificate of occupancy. Keith St. Clair said he would work with us and try to help us out so that was encouraging knowing someone is going to try and understand where we are coming from. It's not that I don't want to do what is required but I just feel we go above and beyond what we need to do at times. I appreciate Hughes & Associates and Martha Chester has been really nice working with me, so I do want to try and do what they recommend is best. But so far we have been able to change some of the plans we started off with and so I contacted Martha and discussed some of the things that were on the plans I finally was able to submit to the city. I am thankful for the things that we have been able to adjust, I just hope we can do that a couple more times concerning the bathroom fixtures, etc. God continues to bless and so as I went down and discussed the plans a week or so ago and then had the plans sent to me in a PDF file, and then sent them to Karen to run off for me, and then was able to submit them to the powers that be at the city office, I thought it was a good day! Then....Brett and Brian mentioned a couple of things on the plans, so then I contacted Martha this week and asked them about the things and some were explained and some had to stay as is, but again I am just giving them to God and let's see what happens! God is good! We continue to look for moving soon into the building so many people have worked together to make happen!

November 13, 2013

I know the date is no longer 11-12-13 (wasn't that a neat date to have our closing on) but I felt I just had to give comment to something that occurred yesterday that was very, very special in the life of Life Pointe Church. After spending several months of completing paperwork, making application, being approved, doing an appraisal, getting insurance on both me and the building, and spending much time discussing and talking about plans and procedures, we were finally able to have our "closing" yesterday for a building on Williamson Road that will become the NEW home of Life Pointe Church! It's exciting...A Brand New Home for us! I still can't quite believe that it has taken place. Today I went back down to the bank to pick up the packet of info that Ginny and I signed yesterday at 9:40 am to make having a new church home a reality. It is scary somewhat yet exciting in other ways. But most of all it is a sign of God's faithfulness and blessing to grow us as He has over the past few years. We still have things to do and details to work out with the architect's office and getting applications filled in and such with the city planner's office but at least...We Now Own A Building! God is good!

October 27, 2013

This past week was a very busy one as usual in the process of finally getting into our new church home! Consider that on Monday, I was told I needed an insurance policy on me before the bank loan could be finalized. We had just got an insurance policy on the building in the last week or so and that was finally settled, so now I need more insurance! So...on Tuesday I filled in an application and then on Wednesday I got my blood taken for tests, etc. by a nurse at my house and the results for some of that testing came back on Saturday, so at least the results are going to be fast,....hopefully! And then I have spoken to the architect firm several times. For instance on Tuesday, I sat down with them to finalize those plans only to discover I didn't really like any of the 5 things suggested for our building. We may have to finally put in a handicap ramp where the existing steps are now, so I finally got that option on Friday, so I may just do that now. Today at church we had a leadership meeting and everyone gave me what they thought, so now...I go back to the architect firm tomorrow and let them know what we decided. Then they submit their plans to the city building inspector and we go from there. So we continue to wait at times, push ahead at times. and look forward to getting into our new church home maybe even this week.....THIS WEEK! I can't believe I am typing those words, could we actually be close to closing and getting in our sure has been a long time coming but God is good, so prayerfully this is it! Finally! And on a note of good news....Lindsey joined the church today and I just know good things are ahead for all of us! She is a blessing and hopefully we will be a blessing to her as well! I'm glad she is going to be with us and help us as we grow in Jesus!

October 6, 2013

Well, here it is the 6th of October already! Yet another month as time flies along like a Stealth bomber! Several things have happened recently that I need to record on my Life Pointe blog page so that when a lot of these things come to pass, we can look back and rejoice to know that OUR GOD IS AN AWESOME GOD...and yes, He reigns from both heaven on high and here in our little corner of the world. Last week I finally was roll please) sign the contract for our new building! While that makes me smile and rejoice, I am quite aware there is still much to do. But I want to make sure and thank the Lord as He brings things to pass. For one, getting the contract signed took: 1)me talking to the Life Pointe Leadership Team and running things past them; 2)me getting my friends John Fralin and Steve Love to check out the building and the heating and the A/C, and then me getting an architect to walk through the building and both listen to me share Life Pointe's plans for the future plus get an idea for what the building looks like now. So then I also, in addition to signing the contract for the building, also received the contract from the architect this past week and was able to sign and return it to the office this past Friday. So...things are happening! So now this morning at church on Sunday at 11:00am, I share some of the victories God has given us recently plus showed a general rough draft of the new building and hopefully spurred some folks onward as we look forward to getting in our new church home! It's exciting but I admit sometimes the waiting has taken a little of the momentum from us, so I am praying that God gives us that back in BIG fashion and we continue to be a light at Life Pointe! Now, we hopefully and prayerfully CLOSE on our building this coming week and then we can go in and so some things, like at least clean off the cobwebs from the front doors! We must continue to pray and be faithful as we march ahead for the Lord and as we seek Him in all that we do.  Hopefully, moving day is soon!

September 24, 2013

Here I am again, giving praise to the Lord and just being amazed at how God works things out for the prayerfully close, moving in, of our new church building on 4624 Williamson Road. I just couldn't bring myself to signing the contract without first running it past my Life Pointe Leadership Team. So I did and then with their input and what I felt in my heart to go along with it, I wanted to seek some folks to give the building a good looking over and tell me what they thought. While I didn't think they would find anything wrong and was hoping they wouldn't find anything wrong, I still had to have them look. And so I called Steve Love, our missionary friend soon going to Zimbabwe and asked him to come by and check out the finance and air-conditioning. He called me back after I had left a message and said he was working in the area, but I didn't realize how close it was until he showed up the next morning. And then on Monday morning the Lord brought another friend to mind, John Fralin, who I feel has great experience with building since either he owns many of them, has had a hand in building them, or knows a lot about them.  So I thought of him and actually looked up his number; then I couldn't find it; then I called a number in the book of John Fralin but it turned out to be his cousin thus was a wrong number. Then I remember Kate and Joey had previously rented from him. So I called Kate, then Joey, and finally Kate again and she gave me his number. While all that may have taken a few minutes, I then saw God's perfect timing in His prompting me to call John. As I called and as his phone was ringing, and as he answered it, I told him I would appreciate it if he could go by and look at a building for me that I was hoping would be our new church.  When I told him the address, John said, "I'm driving by it right now...I'll pull in the parking lot and be waiting on you." How is that for God's timing? And then while John and I were looking over the building, I was thinking "I told Steve Love I would be waiting at the house for his call, so I wonder how I can get him word and tell him where I am?" And so then, God answered that prayer too, in that Steve pulled in while John and I were on the roof of the building.  God is just so good sometimes to give us what we need and what He wants us to have.  Both men looked through the building and while most things looked good, I am praying that the bathroom doors past the building inspection since they may have to be a little wider for handicap accessibility. I barely made it to school on time but it was a great morning! And then that afternoon I went downtown to see if I could speak to a building inspector. At first I couldn't but then one came in that talked with me and when I said, "I'm a man of prayer especially since I am a church planter and driver's ed. teacher!" he said, my daughter is going to have to take that soon. When I asked him where his daughter went to school, he replied "Salem High School" so how cool is that that his daughter will probably be one of my students next semester. God again just amazes then today I finally spoke with an architect who I am going to meet with on Friday, September 27, at 8:00 am to see how many changes we may have to do with the building. This too is a blessing in that I spoke with a teacher from Salem, Sarah Gerroll, who happens to be going to a church plant in Salem whose pastor is Scott Hamilton. So when I told her what I was going to do, she was very helpful and when I told her I need an architect, she said Mr. Gerroll, her father in law, knew someone who was a strong believer who was an architect, so I then asked Bill Gerroll to call her and he did and she emailed me today and I called her right back. So, again, I just can't believe how God puts people in our lives to bring about His will. God is so good!

September 8, 2013

I forgot to mention in my previous post that not only did we finally get our appraisal this past Tuesday, but then Jim and I were able to go over and get the remainder of the chairs we bought from Calvary Chapel on this past Friday as well.  It took us about 2 hours but even though it was hot and muggy and tiring, it was just so good again to get a job completed and be reminded of how God brings things about. His orchestration of how He left Brian see the offer on Craig's list on a Friday night; Brian lets me know Saturday morning; I call the man at Calvary; and then Ginny and I go over to actually see the chairs after getting a time set up with the seller. Then Ben and I went over to pick up the first load, a number of 50 chairs, and then here a few weeks later, Jim and I going over to pick up not another 50 but actually another 56! Turns out the seller had a few more than he thought he had. So God continues to bless and we continue to get ready for the move! It's an exciting time to be at Life Pointe Church! God is definitely Good!
Wow, what a good service today! I shared with the Life Pointe Family about our appraisal being received and it being the exact amount of our loan application and what Gary, the owner, and I had already talked about, so it just seemed like once again God was right in the middle of what we were doing and it's always good to have God in all that we do! But it was exciting to finally have the appraisal received.  I must admit after talking to Debby Williams, the nice lady from the bank who called on Tuesday morning to tell me about the appraisal, that I was excited! I at first wanted the appraisal to be lower but then again, in God's wisdom, He gave me the exact amount that would cause the least strife or contention on getting approved. Since it was the amount already agreed on, there was no need to offer, counter offer, and all that sort of's done! So now we are working on the all the details, like transferring the deed, making up the contract, working on the building inspection stuff, and just all sorts of things. I must admit Tuesday I felt a bit overwhelmed on seeing all the things we had to do; but then as the week passed, God lifted the cloud of "overwhelmness" and gave me energy, vigor, and the courage to press on, for the end is in sight! Today's message of having something in common and being strong and courageous, just like God told Joshua to be, was encouraging to me. I felt like God was in the message and right in the middle of us. Hope it was ok to be blessed by my own preaching because I was; I say that somewhat jokingly but God did bless me today and I am again encouraged to keep pressing on because I know He is with me personally, with us as a church, and with us as a family as we continue to experience the journey He has us on. God is good!

August 28, 2013

Well, here it is almost at the end of August and once again I feel like I have been a little lax in my posting efforts. As for the building we are soon going to call home for Life Pointe Church, the situation is still one that calls for patience so in some ways, not a lot has changed from my last post, however, I asked the Life Pointe family to pray about 4 A's and so far, the first 3 are just about done. Our application, was received; our application was approved; and now the appraisal has been done and we are awaiting the results which the appraiser told me that he would have it done the first part of the week and today is Wednesday, so I would think for sure that he will call the bank tomorrow with his results. soon as the bank calls, we can then meet with Gary Francisco, the owner and hopefully do the last A which is find an Agreement on the price of the building. I must admit I think I was more excited months ago about getting into the building and I felt like momentum was on our side and now has lessened a little bit; but God's timing is perfect so even if I wanted to get into the building weeks ago, God has a reason for letting us wait until now.  And so, I just pray we can get into the building and that we will be just as excited as we have been when we first thought of the possibility of moving into a new church home! And so...we wait...and we pray, and we look for BIG things from God because He is a BIG God! I went over this past Sunday and walked around the building 7 times like Joshua did around Jericho, and then today I went over and took some pictures to share on Sunday. It was good to see Lucas sitting in the parking lot while I was at the building because it is always nice to share the vision with someone so I appreciated seeing someone while I was there! May God give us the call tomorrow from the bank and then give us as a church family a CALL to step out in faith and grow as His church!@ Praise the Lord!

July 11, 2013

Wow, here it is again and I just don't post enough to keep up with the blessings God gives me and all of us at Life Pointe Church! For example about 2 or 3 weeks ago, Brian sent me something on Facebook on a Saturday morning to tell me some chairs had been posted on Craig's List. They looked like good chairs and probably sold for around $50 but the church, (turned out it was Calvary Chapel, over on Shenandoah Avenue) wanted to sell them for $15! So I emailed and then the man called me back and then Ginny and I went to check them out that Saturday evening at 6:00.  Turns out the chairs do look good and we decided to buy them, all 100 of them, for $1,500! That may sound like a lot but they are good chairs and we will no doubt have enough chairs for awhile.  Meanwhile Andy and I went down to Camp Ta-pa-win-go last week, enjoying a very busy week with me speaking 9 times and Andy doing all the media stuff for me.  It was good, although this year it rained almost constantly while we were there.  God saw about 8 or 10 Junior Highers come to Jesus though, so the trip was worth it.  We took Paige Sledd, Brian's daughter; Tamara; and Taya; both sisters to Daniel.  We continue to bring some young people to camp, so that's good!  And then when I got back we had to go pick up the chairs since the man at Calvary emailed and asked me if we were for sure going to get them. To prove our earnestness, Ben and I went and picked up 50 of them and gave Calvary Church a check for the $1,500.  We now just have to go get the other half of them.  And then about the purchase price of the building.  Since the SBCV, after making us wait about a month or so, finally said "No" to giving us a loan, we had to basically start all over again seeking to find what God wanted us to do in order to get the building.  We had already used the building at Motor Madness night and it just seemed to fit us so well, that we can't wait to get into it, but it still seems to be taking time to do just that!  After the SBCV told us no, we began to wonder what to do in order to get the loan.  Then Gary and I talked some and he wanted to meet with me, and this time is was Gary and his wife and Ginny and me.  After talking about perhaps using a lease to buy method I thought, that may work but then later thought "why did I think that, $2,000 a month is way too much for us to pay." Gary wanted us to pay $2,000 a month with $1,500 going to him as payment and $500 going towards the principle of the amount of the building's worth.  And I needed to pay $25,000 down too.  After considering this, I just knew God didn't want me to do this but instead had a band out there that would loan us the money.  The next day or so, I remembered Angel had mentioned something about Atlantic Bay Mortgage, so I pulled in there after Driver's Ed. one day and simply told them who I was, and that Angel suggested asking them about a loan perhaps.  Turn out, the person said "We know Angel and yes, he's a nice man; but we don't do mortgages for commercial properties.  So....I asked the man who had come in to the office, where he would go for a loan.  He said "go see Debby at Hometown Bank." I thought "I want to get something settled so I might as well go right now." So I went, and after entering the Hometown Mortgage place, the "Debby" that I wanted to see, sent me to another "Debby" at the Hometown Bank across the lot.  NOW GOD entered the picture; or at least entered the picture even more than He already had. The woman had time to speak to me; welcomed me into her office; and as it turns out, has kin people in Giles County; had a son go to William Fleming; her son was in the band; and her son wrestled, so that was about 5 or 6 things in common right off the bat....Then it turned out the devil had been "after her" as Debby put it and she just seemed to need some encouragement and spiritual guidance.  And as it turns out, I was the second pastor to come see Debby that day.  We ended up talking from about 4:00 until almost 6:00 pm and then we prayed before we closed our time talking.  We both shared stories, cried tears, and prayed for God's leading and blessing.  This had to be a divine appointment by God Himself. I was just so honored to be used be the Lord and to give Debby, who I forgot to mention has not been to church for awhile but knows she needs to get back into church, and also, just happens to live on Huntington which is right across from the road the church is on...isn't God amazing!@! So with that in mind I went to see Debby again today and she had even tried to call me so the meeting was again a thing of God.  And if we can just work a few more things out, we may just finally be in our building.  I now had to call Gary who had sent me a contract but one that I just didn't feel peace about accepting.  I called him tonight and had a good talk and now will have the building appraised and hopefully get the building a little cheaper than what Gary had put into the lease agreement for the building.  God is in control, I know that, and so hopefully in the nest few days, we will finally have our contract and a  start towards fixing up our building which will be our new home for Life Pointe Church! btw, as a confirmation that God is with us, we planned a special offering for the last Sunday in June, and after being locked out at the front gate, ended up having people walk up to the building, had 4 visitors; and took up $7,272 for the Sunday special offering! That is AMAZING and just put tears in my eyes as to how God provides for us just when we need it!  I await God to do even more........btw, along with the offering that had already come in for June, $2,500, we had almost $9,800 come in for the month! God provides that's for sure! Until next time....humbly in His service I stand...

June 23, 2013

Today is June 23rd and we are fast approaching the end of June.  Next week is going to be an exciting Sunday, on June 30h, for it is on that day we are going to take up a special offering for our building fund.  Today someone gave a check for $400 and it's things like that that cause me to start getting misty eyed realizing God is providing for our needs in such a real way.  We also looked at some chairs yesterday that Brian saw on Craig's list, which he told me about, so I in turn contacted the person, then Ginny and I went to see them last night and so for $15 a piece we are going to get 100 chairs for our new church home! Again Jehovah Jireh, my provider, is supplying our needs! He is in this as clear as day....I just pray the SBCV sees that soon so we can get in and start remodeling some things to make our new home special! God I good and I count it a blessing to be His servant!

June 11, 2013

Here it is June 11th, and in the past week I have had a couple of things I should have recorded but am just now doing so.  One of the special things occurred on June 6th when Ginny and I celebrated our 32nd year together as a married couple! 32 years! That's amazing but especially in today's times when folks seem to take the easy way out so often, so I am very thankful to the Lord that He gave me Ginny many years ago and I know beyond the shadow of a doubt that both of us have been called to be the church planters of Life Pointe Church which humbles me so much to do that God still has much for Ginny and me to do as we mature both as a couple and in our faith.  Andy and I have continued to practice driving since a few weeks ago, he got his learner's permit which made me very proud of him.  The first day he got it, we went out driving, so that was very cool! And on May 30th I finally called, after waiting for the SBCV call me earlier that week, to find out whether we were to get another more up to date appraisal for our new church home or not; instead I must admit it still seems a little trying at times in that the folks at the SBCV just want to make absolutely sure we have considered all the options and "fringe" items that they think we might have overlooked but so far I feel I am answering all their concerns and questions and still feel God's peace so as we continue to confirm that God does indeed want us in this building, it will be a day of praise that's for sure! Ginny and I just came from there tonight, again dreaming, measuring, and praying for God to open the doors to put us in a place I am just so sure He has set aside for us to worship Him.  So it continues to be exciting as we wait upon the Lord but also a test of our faith but we're going to pass the test, so praise the Lord and let's keep soaring!  btw, I just have to add that last week was one of those weeks that I even felt more like a pastor in that I got up to exercise with Ben on Tuesday morning; ate breakfast with Lucas on Wednesday morning; took Andy down to catch his bus at about 5:30 on Thursday morning and ate breakfast with Steve Love on Saturday morning.  And then this past Sunday, June 9th, we went to eat with Bill and Maxine for lunch after our Sunday service, and then went after that to pick some strawberries in Stewartsville, so it was a busy afternoon and then we even went over to Joey and Kate's new house near plantation Road to see  how they were doing and as we drove by they were standing in the yard, so we continued to have a busy day yet I felt Ginny and I were be the good "pastor and his wife" to those in our Life Pointe Church family, so it's just neat to watch God grow us and be so evident right before our eyes!

May 24, 2013

Here it is May 23rd, actually 24th now that it is 12:19am but again I am compelled to write how good God is and how we stay optimistic, excited, and so confirmed that God is leading us to a new building in which to worship Him! I continue to be taught patience as I seek wisdom and ask a lot of questions to both the bank, Gary, and the folks at the SBCV. I know we can do it but it seems that the folks who will end up loaning the money want us to be very, very, very, very, sure of what we are going to do.  I feel I am sure of what God wants us to do but I know they are just trying to help but it get somewhat "trying" wading through the paperwork, decisions, fact finding process, and just a host of other things that take time to get through.  I do think we are nearing the end of our sorting and wading though and prayerfully the decision will be made soon, so praise the Lord and may we soon be heading to our new place of worship!

May 4, 2013

Well here it is May 4, 2013! And it's Saturday, so I still have some things to do for my message tomorrow but I just had to post anyway.  I wanted to say what a joy it is to watch God continue to lead us to our new church building.  Gary Francisco called to day after we had talked a couple times this week and it was a blessing to have him help me "incorporate" the church especially since I will most likely have to go downtown and speak to some people about securing a loan this week.  I must admit after a few phone calls this week and listening to all the details or just the "business" end of the process of securing the loan, it can get a little discouraging.  I guess I just think of the "faith" side of things and just KNOW that God will provide us a way and means of securing the building and making all the payments that we will need to make.   I just don't even want to think of us not being able to make a payment or be able to secure the money that we need.  Of course bank people do not think this way.  I don't know if they lack faith or I lack the business "side" of seeing things.  And to think, I have a Business Management Degree and a Business Education Degree and still don't like to think of the business side of things, I just want to have faith and keep pressing ahead.  But anyway, we will soon be incorporated and work to secure our loan and hopefully, prayerfully, will be in our building, the one that God picked and helped us to secure.  Now to work on my message some.  But God is so good, I just want to watch Him provide as we go ahead for Him and as we  S O A R!

April 23, 2013

Well, here it is just a few days after my last post and I still feel I could write some more things down on what God is continuing to do! For one thing, this past Sunday was a great day in that is seemed everyone is on the same page, that is wanting to do things together, so we all were in "once accord" as the Bible says about the disciples and early church, and so much so, that even some folks wanted to go see the building after the service!! A field trip for the church, how about that!! So 14 of us were walking around in the soon to be church of Life Pointe this past Sunday and already 5 more had seen it so that makes a total of 19 who have already walked around dreaming, envisioning, praying, and just be excited unto the Lord for all He's done and will do! It is great! And as if that wasn't enough, Gary Fransico, the person who owns the building, continues to bless my heart by doing above and beyond what someone who is selling a building has to do.  He is now helping to incorporate the church and setting up a lawyer to rough draft some contracts and just all kinds of things to help me to proceed forward with what God has called us all to do! It is amazing really just how God has directed and blessed in this whole thing.  I stand amazed....and somewhat "speechless" at all of what God has done. It sure is exciting to be marching forward, especially when God is the drum major! May we follow Him well and obey all that He has called us to do!

April 11, 2013

A New Location for Life Pointe Church? May Be!

Wow, once again, it has been so long since I have posted!! I noticed the last post was December 31, 2012 so I have posted since last year! At least it was the last day of last year, so that doesn't make it so bad I guess...but it has been too long! Today is April 10, 2013 so it's time I posted.  And after having the day I have had I just had to record this day in by blog/dairy.  Today, after making a few calls, I finally spoke to someone about something that is very important.  Ginny and I noticed a place on Williamson Road last week that is no longer an insurance office like it use to be for so very long.  It was closed in December of last year (the time of my last post, I just noticed) and has now sat vacant for the past few months.  So Ginny and I went past there last week during our Easter break and just thought we would look at the building, if only from the outside.  As we stopped by to look, the first thing I noticed was...... the address was 4624 Williamson Road....the 4624 part of an address sounded familiar to me since that has been our home address for the past almost 30 years! So I liked the address.....and even though we could only look inside, we thought, "well, maybe we can call and see what the details are." So Ginny looked up the address on the internet and then called the number. The person didn't have a number for the person who owned the building but said she would call us back.  She didn't in the day or so, so I called on Monday since that was last Thursday when Ginny made the first phone call.  And then I didn't hear back from our Monday call even though the woman said she would look up the number and give us a call or I told her just to leave it on our answering machine.  But since that didn't happen, I thought I would try to get in touch with someone today.  And then after waiting for as long as we had, today was just the opposite. Not only did I get in touch with someone, she gave me the number of the owner, who I called and then he said "if you want to come by and look at it I can meet you today at 2 o'clock.  Even though I had to wait until 5:00, I still went by today and met with Gary Francisco and we had a good talk....and then I said, "I wish my wife Ginny could come by and see it, and when I looked up there was Ginny coming in the front door.  I asked if Andy was in the van, and since he was, I went out and got him, and so we all went around looking at the potential of this old insurance building becoming the new location of Life Pointe Church.  After talking from roughly 5:00 till 6:20, we actually shared our vision with someone who is a believer and knows our neighbors Bruce and Cindy Jones, (he goes to church with them) and he seemed genuinely interested in what we wanted to do.  I should say I had already prayed at school today after feeling God burdening my heart to just spend some time in prayer today about the possibility of moving the church to this new location.  I am not sure if God wants us to move for 100% positive as of right now, that will still take some more prayer but I know this afternoon, I sure felt good and excited just as I was after my final prayer at school today.  So it was a good meeting and it seems Ginny, Andy, and Melanie too, since I called her and shared my exciting and leading, that God is moving and I think moving us!  It is very, very exciting.  Yes, it is a little scary too, but I think this is the place God wants us to move to and it is so neat to see God's Hand in what we are doing.  And now we will get to see God's Mighty Hand in providing for us as He opens up doors to give us exactly what we need to make this new location the perfect place to both worship and draw in people who need to hear about the saving grace and power of Jesus.  There are so many advantages to moving....we can clear out the thing here at the house that need to be at the church; we can have offices to both use and storage areas to put things; we can have Sunday School rooms or small group places to meet; we can have the excitement of watching everyone start taking ownership and pride and responsibility in what we are dong by having the opportunity to be more active and to make Life Pointe a place to bring friends, take pride in, and grow spiritually themselves.....there is just so much to pray about, think about, and to look forward to....I can't write all my feelings down and it's hard to write everything that has just touched my heart today, but it's good!  And I think God is moving...and we may very well be moving too! PRAISE THE LORD! I may not sleep tonight....Thank You Jesus!