November 15, 2010

New Location at Round Hill Elementary

Our new location is proving to be a good change for us even though I was dreading it for so long. Last week was our first Sunday and things went well. However yesterday, just being our second Sunday there, went great! God really blessed me with a very practical message that was about an "unlikely hero" that being my own sister Melanie. I shared how Benjamin, Emily, and Rachel had come to a saving knowledge and grace of Jesus and the talked about Ruth in the Bible who cared so much about her family being taken care of. God was just really good and was really in the service yesterday. It seemed folks like it too, along with the delicious baked potatoes after teh service. Could it be that Life Pointe is finally turning the corner??? Let's pray so and pray that folks will come to church and bring the lost and unchurched with them. I know God has some good plans for us. May we be found faithful. Thank you Jesus for all you do! And I almost forgot, it was an enjoyable weekend with our friend Richie visiting us from Tennessee. We all had lots of fun playing some music together at Nancy and Larry's house and it was so good to laugh.

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