August 15, 2008


Wow! I've taken a day or so before I added this post but I could have sit down as soon as I came back home on Wednesday and typed a book on all the blessings God gave me in the past few days! And now, even after taking a few days to reflect, I still feel God blessed me (us) so much and encouraged me (us) greatly the first part of this week. Ginny and I had the opportunity to go to the Innovate Conference that was held at Thomas Road Baptist Church on Mon., Tues., and Wed. of this week and the conference was just great! From the music being led by Charles Billingsly and Tommy Walker to the great messages from Rick Warren, Jim Cymbala, and others it was just a great time in the Lord. And the break out sessions gave me some encouragement as well as ideas to help me further with planting the church God has called us to plant. It was just really a great time! I saw genuine hearts and sensitive spirits that just seem to be eager to let God get the glory and to remember that it's "not about me" but always about Him and His Kingdom. I didn't want to come home because the music, messages, and fellowship was just really refreshing. God even gave us a hotel after hearing for two days that no rooms were available. But God gave Ginny and I a place to stay that was only 5 mintues from the church so again, God provided us with what we needed and His presence was felt in just so many areas and in so many ways while we were there at the confence. God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good. I certainly agree with the words of that chorus! And I look forward to God working even more, showing me exactly what He wants me and others to do, to bring His church about.

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