August 30, 2008

Good Week!

Wow, I can't believe I have waited so long to post more news about what God is doing both in my life and in the planting of Life Pointe church. I thought several times this past week about posting something when I saw things happening that I just knew had to be God working both on my street and in other places as well, but it seemed I was always busy doing so many things that I didn't get to, but never-the-less I will try to catch up on the posting now. First of all, I finished driving on Tuesday of this past week and on that morning I was touched by the Lord to just go over and pray with my neighbor who was having to go in to see about some internal bleeding. I am so glad I was listening to the Lord because as it turns out, my neighbor really needed someone that morning to not only pray with him, but just to be with him. God blessed and the check up for something that could have even been cancer and thus very serious turned out to be something much less serious and my neighbor is now doing much better and very appreciate of my coming over and just being with him when he needed someone. It was my blessing as well and I think God is doing a work now in my neighbors heart that only He could do and that He could have set up so beautifully. Another blessing this week was our final interview in Richmond to become full fledged church planters. My wife Ginny and I headed down to Richmond on Wednesday and after traveling in the rain (all day!) we arrived, had a good interview, and I think conveyed very well to those present at the interview exactly what the Lord has put on our hearts to do and how to plant the church that He's called us to plant. It was good and now we are one step closer to being church planters in a more fuller sense. And then there's the prizes that God has blessed me with for the Block Party that is coming up on September 20th. I have asked several businesses in the area to donate something and it has been amazing how stosres and businesses have responded so positively! It's great and it's God! So I am really encouraged and grateful to the Lord for all He's done. And finally, as if the Lord hasn't done enough this week, tonight Ginny and I were eating in Hardee's when I noticed someone talking on the cell phone and being very kind and thoughful to his son so I commented on that when he got off the phone and even ended up praying with him just to encourage him to keep that up and to be careful as he traveled. Turns out it was a major league baseball player that plays for the Cleveland Indians who just happened to be in Hardee's and was on his way back to the hotel where he was staying. I gave him a pocket testament and shared with him and it was again just really neat how God crossed our paths and let me share with a total stranger about God and how He is leading us to plant our church and to honor Him. God is amazing and sometimes He is just really amazing! And I almost forgot, He also saw fit to help a turtle across the busy interstate this moring after I just felt so compelled to pray for Him to do that. Little things, big things, it makes no difference, God hears us and answers us, and cares about us and our cares all the time.

August 17, 2008

God Is Good, All The Time!

I have had a good day, and God has been good to me (as always) and encouraged me to keep going, cause He's with me and in the vision He has given me to start a church and share my faith more with others. First we went to my native Giles County to enjoy the yearly family reunion and not only was it nice to see friends and family, but I got to give a pocket power testament booklet to someone who after hearing me say we were going to start a church hopefully some time this fall, said "well, I need something in my life". Who knows but the Lord might have just planted a seed in the heart of that person to not only come to our church but come to our Savior as well. And then after getting back home, I went to work out at the gym and saw someone there whose family has moved from Giles to Roanoke and will probably be needing a church to go to. I hadn't seen this person for a good while, and I remembered that the last time we spoke that she shared that her family was going to move but I couldn't remember when. And then I was reminded of her and her family when I traveled to Giles today, and I thought, "I'm going to have to hunt her down and ask when her family is going to move up here", and 'lo and behold the Lord lets me see her tonight and learn that her family is all here now and that they are indeed going to need a church to go to, so again, who knows, but that the Lord didn't plant several seeds today to bring folks into His church and maybe even into His family. God is Good, All the Time!

Last Movie For The Summer Months!

Well, we had our last movie for the summer months and I must admit it was a little disappointing in that we only had about 16 folks who showed up tonight. We started off with a bang and had 30 for our movie in June, and then about 26 for July, but really fell off in numbers for tonight, so again, it was a little disappointing, but since we never know exactly how God uses our efforts and blesses in His own way, maybe some seeds were planted tonight just the same as if we had a hundred people there, so I will just leave the results to the Lord. We plow, plant, and let God do the havesting. I will start getting ready now for the Block Party in September. I pray God uses it to bring some folks into our Bible study and eventually into our church.

August 15, 2008


Wow! I've taken a day or so before I added this post but I could have sit down as soon as I came back home on Wednesday and typed a book on all the blessings God gave me in the past few days! And now, even after taking a few days to reflect, I still feel God blessed me (us) so much and encouraged me (us) greatly the first part of this week. Ginny and I had the opportunity to go to the Innovate Conference that was held at Thomas Road Baptist Church on Mon., Tues., and Wed. of this week and the conference was just great! From the music being led by Charles Billingsly and Tommy Walker to the great messages from Rick Warren, Jim Cymbala, and others it was just a great time in the Lord. And the break out sessions gave me some encouragement as well as ideas to help me further with planting the church God has called us to plant. It was just really a great time! I saw genuine hearts and sensitive spirits that just seem to be eager to let God get the glory and to remember that it's "not about me" but always about Him and His Kingdom. I didn't want to come home because the music, messages, and fellowship was just really refreshing. God even gave us a hotel after hearing for two days that no rooms were available. But God gave Ginny and I a place to stay that was only 5 mintues from the church so again, God provided us with what we needed and His presence was felt in just so many areas and in so many ways while we were there at the confence. God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good. I certainly agree with the words of that chorus! And I look forward to God working even more, showing me exactly what He wants me and others to do, to bring His church about.

August 5, 2008

Staying Faithful!

I can't believe it's August already and that summer is flying right by. I am keeping busy with teaching summer school and helping the rest of the family to remodel Andy's old room so he and Ashley can enjoy a new look but I want to still always be looking for ways to tell others about the Lord and about the church that He's called us to plant. I must admit in recent months we seemed so busy doing things and right now, I don't seem to be doing as much or getting things ready as much as I would like to, but the Lord just seems to tell me to be patient and that He will grow things in His own timing and in His own way. Tonight I was thinking of how I would like to tell others about the church and about the way God has touched my heart in these past few months and given me a burden to share my faith, and lo' and behold, Ginny and I took some things to Goodwill and we ended up telling the person who came out to get our items about the church and how God is working and we ended up having a real good time and conversation with a "total" stranger, but one who I think God had cross our paths on purpose. So just when I want to share.........God brings someone across our path to do just that. Isn't He Amazing? And always has been and always will be! Praise the Lord and let's all continue to be found faithful for Him!