February 1, 2010


While "little things" may not be exciting to some folks, they are to me! Just like today when the doorhangers and bookmark/invite cards I ordered from Outreach Products a week ago, finally arrived! Again, this may be no big thing to some folks, but to me, it's an opportunity to fill in the back and plan to hang these cards on the doors of all those people we would like to attend our very first church service on February 14th. This is just one more step towards our goal of getting our church established. It's hard to believe we have been doing our Bible Study for over a year now and showing monthly movies even longer. I feel it's time we stepped out in faith and finally see who God has in store for our future church. So it may just be "doorhangers" in the mail but it's exciting to see just one more thing that God is going to use to make Life Pointe a reality and blessing to those involved! Praise the Lord!

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