February 22, 2010

Second Service Goes Well!

We enjoyed our second service for Life Pointe Church this past Sunday with about 24 people coming out to enjoy it with us! God gave us a good day and I had several good comments from folks afterwards with one comment especially blessing my heart. One person basically related to me that she had needed someone to just take her hand and give her hope and that was what she had received so I was very touched and encouraged to know that God is indeed working in the hearts of those who are coming to Life Point Church. I just know great things are in store for us as we continue to seek God and to serve others. It seemed I was a little more at ease this past Sunday too, and I was glad of that. I know God is in control but it's still a little nervous to stand up and sing and speak and just to know that I, along with my family and friends, are respresenting Jesus as we carefully and prayerfully form and establish Life Pointe Church in these very early days of the church. It is sort of like watching a little baby learning to walk or do things for the very first time. It's both exciting and a little scary but I just want to always maintain the very fine line of knowing God is in control and will provide and take care of us but to never, ever take that love and provision for granted. So I will continue to pray and look for great things from God, and I'll also be glad to see Andy and Ashley who were and still are out of the country this week, so their part in the ministry was missed and their valuable help will be welcomed back for our third service this coming Sunday, February 28, 2010! God is good!

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