October 23, 2010

Great News About "The Good News"

Since the Bible is called "the Good News" I am thankful that "the Good News" gave me some great news just this past week! Just when you wonder if you are making a difference or not or if Life Pointe Church is making a difference in the lives of folks, along comes an email like the one I got from my sister Melanie on Thursday evening. On September 8th, I made an entry about my nephew Benjamin seeing his need for Jesus and that was just so exciting! Well this past Thursday my sister Melanie sent me an email about Emily coming home with two things in her hand. One was her report card and the other thing was a paper that she had signed showing that she had accepted Jesus as her Savior when the Bible bus had made a visit to her school! Emily got saved!! And then if this wasn't enough great news concerning the "Good News" then Melanie proceeded to tell me about Rachel who after hearing about Emily asking Jesus into her heart wanted to do the same. So Rachel bowed her little head and asked Jesus to come into her heart and save her too! So Melanie made sure Rachel asked forgiveness and then prayed with her too! What unspeakable or indescribable joy Melanie must have now to have seen ALL of her children come to the Lord within about a month of each other!! I am proud of them and so love the Lord so much for giving us eternal life and for giving it to my very own nephew and now my two nieces!! And to know that Life Pointe Church played a part in this, (Melanie calls us a catalyst) is such a blessing to me! And so I am encouraged to know that God is indeed with us and will lead us as we travel on and lead others to Him! Praise the Lord! Who knows what He has in store for us tomorrow for our Sunday service! And I continue to preach up in Newport too, so God is charge and I pray that I might be a mouthpiece bringing His "Good News" to all those I can!

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