May 22, 2012

Here it is, May 22nd, 2012 and I have been praying and thinking and having a good morning with the Lord.  I have some good ideas and thoughts for Sunday's message and it seems that God, in His amazing way, as usual, has blessed me with ideas and thoughts on how to convery His heart to others because His heart has first been conveyed to mine.  He is teaching me and speaking to me and for that I am grateful.  As He has blessed me, I want to write down some things before they escape my mind and so after I emailed Ginny and Andy and told them how much I love them and how they are a blessing to me, I then for some reason started looking at my email; which led to me looking at potential future sights for the church.  I still can't believe I am looking at property and buildings and picturing us as a church in those buildings.  I think to myself, "are we really ready for this?" or "can we really do this?" and then I just see God in all that we do now and remember that a few years ago, I wondered the same thing as we were launching and planting Life Pointe, and suddenly I realize, "sure we can do it" for we serve a mighty God is who Jehovah Jireh, our provider! It's just that it is scary sometimes and involves a lot of money, but once again, God can do it, and so I must practice what I preach and step out in faith and take a deep breath, and continue to walk in grace and faith, and with vision, watch the amazing things God accomplishes through those who have been called according to His purpose, and to those who are obedient to following His will.  It's exciting, and just like a little kid at Christmas, I look forward to opening the presents God has in store for us and to all those who are looking forward to His appearing!

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