January 4, 2009

Happy New Year!

Wow, what a flury the new year brings sometimes! We did an outreach event on New Year's Eve providing food, the movie "It's A Wonderful Life" and a chance to bring in the New Year with several friends who have been coming to Bible Study on Tuesday nights. It was a small number but still we are staying faithful in providing folks a place to come and feel welcomed. I hope in this new year we will grow our number and soon be able to launch our church on a Sunday morning! It will be exciting to see when the Lord wants us to do this and hopefully we will have some totally new people that I have not even met yet! I know I am not suppose to "be anxious about anything, but in all prayer and supplications to make my requests known to God" so that's what I will do but sometimes it is tough. God knows though, so I'll keep trusting!

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